Page 21 of Pure Love

Piper ignored them and rubbed her arms. Could this be more awkward? Where was the bar? How fast could she get a drink? Was it possible to attend a rehearsal without seeing the bride, the groom, or the groom’s mother?

Not ten feet away, Warren jetted around the corner of the restaurant. Taking a break from his own party? Classy. But weirdly, freaking awesome opportunity for Piper, she could follow him and get her greeting over with in a less-populated area. Though any new meeting had to go better than their last. Which had been Warren looking up from the missionary position saying, Babe, it’s not what it looks like. And Willow shouting, You said you broke up. His and hers clichés. She should have had that embroidered on bath towels for the lucky couple.

“Be right back.” Piper slipped around the brick corner for a quick, private greeting with the guest of honor. She was the bigger person wishing him well.

Up ahead, a couple blocked her path about to do the vertical naughty.


Piper jerked to a stop.

Warren’s fair head was buried in the woman’s cleavage. He hiked the hem of her dress to her waist and placed his hands on her bare butt. He lifted her to escalate their coupling.


The woman’s red mermaid hair bounced with their jerky rhythm.

Unless Willow had gotten hair extensions, that was not the bridal couple.

Heat flushed Piper’s skin at the public, al fresco display. She spun away and hurried back to her group.

Liam laughed and turned his phone toward her, aiming the lens at her face. He snapped her picture. “Why is your face so red?”

Mikah moved to her side. “What happened? Are you okay?”

Attentive of him to ask. Piper opened and closed her mouth. “I thought I saw the bride and groom. But I was wrong.”

Mikah arched his dark eyebrow, he lifted his hand to touch her cheek but dropped his arm before he reached her. “Why are you blushing?”

Piper jerked her thumb toward the alley. “A couple is down there doing the Canadian ride. Really thought the man was Warren. But the woman wasn’t Willow. Willow has a pixie cut, and that woman has hair like the Little Mermaid.” She was babbling and sharing way too much info. But the trio looked interested in her tale. “Weird, huh?”

Kiernan pocketed his camera, loosened his tie, and undid the top button of his shirt. “What’s so weird about it? You saw a guy who looked a bit like another guy?”

“They were having sex in public.” Liam pointed at her face. He rubbed his chin. “You used to date the groom, didn’t you? That’s why it was especially weird?”

The gossip really had made the rounds. His pointing was making the flush sweep to her chest. Now she was probably the same shade of strawberry red as the hideous ribbons draping the entrance poles. “We weren’t that serious.”

Mikah’s gaze sharpened.

Before he could ask, the gates of hell opened and released Mrs. Applebaum. She came toward them, her strawberry red mother-of-the-groom dress swishing around her calves. She held her arms out in a welcoming hostess manner.

Piper wasn’t fooled.

“You must be the famous hockey players on our team. We are thrilled you came as a special treat to my Warren’s special day.”

Warren didn’t care for hockey except for the income the team brought his family. He’d never wanted to watch the games with her. Not that she was a ginormous fan like her sister, but she’d always liked hockey. In the end, she’d ditched Warren but kept the hockey. She’d gotten less out of relationships.

The guys introduced themselves and shook Mrs. Applebaum’s hand. A waiter circulated with flutes of champagne. Strawberries floated inside. Strawberries were Warren’s favorite fruit. The visual was festive, but it reminded her of last Valentine’s Day, there had been so many smashed strawberries under the bodies of the naked cheating couple.

Piper took a glass but she couldn’t make herself drink. The guys didn’t have the same problem. They took big swallows.

Throughout all the social niceties, Mrs. Applebaum didn’t even look at Piper. All her attention was on the hot trio of men accompanying her. “You must greet Warren. Darling boy is around here somewhere.”

“Piper thought she saw him riding the Little Mermaid.” Kiernan snickered.

OMG, was he high?

Mikah punched him in the arm, making Kiernan spill his drink. Kiernan rubbed the spot and looked at the spilled drink with regret. One of the plump strawberries had landed by his loafer. Kiernan lifted his foot and squashed it.