Page 104 of Pure Love

Kiernan shook his head. “They worked out that stuff together.”

“Then hire them both.” Rookie stood up. “Let’s be progressive.”

“Dahlia dumped the owner.” Coach spoke slowly to aid Rookie’s comprehension. “Few industries have made enough strides to overcome that.”

Mikah didn’t care if Piper worked there anymore unless she wanted to. He just missed her being around period. He hadn’t laughed with her today, hadn’t kissed her, hadn’t awakened beside her.

Liam grabbed his phone. “I’ll shoot a text to Bianca and smooth things over with her. Ask her to call me. We actually met at a Geels game.” He gave a dry chuckle that ended on a hysterical edge. “The game will be great, nostalgia will fix this.”


Captain taped his stick on the outside of his skates. “We’re one point from toppling the Geels’ number one spot. This was always going to be a throwdown.”

At least everyone had the good sense not to mention Kiernan’s cousin who played for the Geels. This Geels’ game would be bad.

“Yeah, Liam, it’s not your fault they’re coming for us.” Kiernan snickered. “Mikah’s big-ass brother likely has shit to prove too. Basically, it’s a clusterfuck of an ice storm.”

Yep. Raw one there. His games against Zee always drew blood and Dad’s commentary.

Coach opened the door to the tunnel. Icy air rushed in. Mikah should be laser-focused at this point. His mind raced. Had Zee dumped Francesca or would she be ringside? How were his parents doing? What had Jakob decided? Was Conrad doing okay? Being second choice sucked. Was Dad going to pressure the hell out of all of them? What was stirring in his sister’s world that she hadn’t opened up about? Could he book his family a hotel for the rest of the weekend instead of having them bunk at his place?

What did it matter where they stayed if Piper wasn’t with him? He couldn’t even send her a text. What could he say? What did she need to hear? When Warren had screwed up, she’d been done with him. As in over. Warren’s onstage public grand gesture had done nothing to soften her. He could tell that from her face. Mikah had been more put-out than Piper. When women were done, they were done. Did he even have a shot at getting Piper?

Thinking like a loser wouldn’t get her back.

Win the game. Win the girl.

They reached the ice. The fans shouted their welcomes. Mikah skated out and looked at the ringside seats. Mom, Lily, and the twins wore a custom mixed team gear, for the Snowers and Geels. Dad wore one of his own old jerseys. No Francesca.

A flash of pretty entered his field of vision. Not two rows behind his family was Piper. His heart stopped. His muscles tensed and pushed him to go to her, get her, keep her. Life was so…

Breathe. Focus. Win the game. Win the girl.

Piper took the seat by her sister and cousin. Mikah threw his attention into the game. The centers moved into position, Kiernan facing off against the Beast. The referee dropped the puck. Kiernan swung first, making contact, driving the puck toward Mikah.

Focus. Reach the net. Set up Rookie. Or…make a statement. Mikah pivoted in the opposite direction of the opponent’s net and thunked it into Kiernan’s cousin’s gut. That was for the surprise birthday package he’d left for Kiernan. Asshat. This was how this game was going to go.

The crowd roared.

His guys scrambled to recover the puck.

The game was a battle. The Geels’ Beast fought for the puck and shot at Liam instead of the net 100 percent of the time. His aim was so egregious, he took a penalty and had his coach shaking his fist.

* * *

Gloves didn’t come off until the second period. The Beast’s latest cheap shot at Liam sliced within inches of Kiernan’s face.

Kiernan unstrapped his left glove, a motion that drew two more Geels’ skaters into their circle. Kiernan’s cousin. Kellan Kelchier, and Mikah’s own brother, Zee.

Kiernan shoved Mikah’s shoulder while working on his right glove. “You take Zee. I’ve got the asshat.”

Zee? Adrenaline shook him, and for a minute he wanted to punch his brother and take him to the boards.

He froze.


Fuck. Dad had a lot to answer for. Mikah skated to a stop beside Zee, his energy coming down for the first time tonight despite the sound of Kiernan’s fist on ass-hat’s jaw, and the hockey fans shrieking encouragement.