Page 95 of Pure Love

Not every event, just the ones Warren attended. “I can’t control what Warren Applebaum says or does.” Piper could quit taking a paycheck from the Applebaums though. Was that what Mikah was asking? She rubbed at her temple. Few jobs paid what she was making for doing so little. If she kept working, she’d make enough to move out. Her autonomy would help their relationship.

“I’m not saying you control him, just wanting to know why he said it.”

“I told you.” Piper shoved a loose strand of her hair from her hot forehead. She did not want to spend any of their time talking about Warren.

Mikah showed no signs of softening. “I don’t think you have.”

What was this about? Piper blew out a breath. He wasn’t giving her all the details of his exes. Then again, his exes likely got the message that he didn’t want more after he failed to call them the next day. Trysts didn’t exactly inspire romantic public speeches. That type of move was probably super confusing to a closed-off guy. She leaned against the wall. The green print swirls in the wallpaper gave her no answers. “Dahlia interned with the Snowers last year.”

Mikah looked frazzled. “Okay.”

Be patient. Boyfriending was new to him. “I picked up Dahlia for lunch one day, and I met Warren. We dated over the holidays.” Heat flushed her chest. The relationship had been new and fun, and they’d gotten along well. He’d been romantic. They’d made special plans for Valentine’s that they both agreed on. “Valentine’s Day was supposed to be ideal.” She flicked her fingers open in a blowing-it-up gesture. “I arrived early, let myself in.” She rolled her eyes. “I was wearing a Valentine-red silk dress, with heart lingerie underneath, carrying a tray of Warren’s favorite dessert—strawberries dipped in white chocolate, the whole romance package.”

She swallowed hard, realizing the hurt had gone. “Not saying I thought he was my soulmate, but I thought we were solid and building on something. Instead, he was doing Willow in his bedroom.” So many crushed strawberries. Every muscle tensed as the embarrassment and betrayal rushed over her. “I left, blocked his number, and was done with him.” She dragged her gaze up to meet his. “That a clear enough picture?”

Mikah cupped her arm and moved closer. “Sorry that happened, he’s an idiot.”

“Thanks, there’s nothing more to say. Sorry about the tone, not a great memory.”

“Why does he persist?”

Piper actually understood why Mikah was asking. If their positions were reversed, she’d want to know if encouragement was being sent out knowingly or unknowingly. She was confident her messages to Warren were clear. This was merely the Anne Boleyn theory in practice. Warren hadn’t gotten what he wanted. That drove the spoiled dude to push for more. “You don’t have to worry about him. He thinks I’m single.”

Frustration bubbled up through her. She and Mikah were sleeping together. They had come to the party with each other. Their families had just shared a meal, but no one knew they were a couple. “I think he’d back off if you make it obvious to everyone that we’re a couple.” Okay, it had bothered her he hadn’t made that clear to his family when they’d arrived. She gestured from his body to hers. “I’m just going to put it out there. What’s holding you back? You like me, I like you…”

* * *

Mikah stared down at Piper. Red alert. The where are we talk. Red alert because this was the point where Mikah should be looking for the neon exit sign. But he wasn’t feeling the urge to bolt. He wanted what he wanted. Piper. He’d made that clear. Why didn’t she understand his position? She was asking questions he couldn’t answer. She might as well request he crack open his DNA and explain how he worked.

Her chest rose and fell, waiting for his response. She wasn’t calming down, nor was she backing off. He needed her to retreat. On the other hand, he loved that she was strong enough to stand up to him, challenge him, but at the same time, he wanted his way. He didn’t want a woman who let him step all over her. He got that these were mutually exclusive requests, but there it was. He had needs. He was satisfied with her answers. They could move on.

A group of women, including Piper’s cousin Dahlia, went around them to continue down the hall to the bathroom. Dahlia gave them a curious look.

Mikah waved his hand. “Is this the place for this talk?”

“I just need…” Piper stroked his arm with her light touch that shut down 50 percent of his brain cells on impact. “Can we speak for a few minutes? Somewhere more private?”

Piper needed a kiss and a quick cuddle to show her that she was his girl, that she still held all his interest. He could accommodate her. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her away.

He opened the nearest door.

A couple was going at it against the wall. Ginger-haired, Snowers dancer. Tall, dark-haired man, familiar frame. Zee? No way. Fucking around on his fiancée?


The man angled his head. Not Zee. His father. And…not his mother. Mikah’s gut twisted. He jerked back and let the door fall shut. Anger flooded through him like he’d taken a hundred-mile-an-hour slapshot to the face.

Mom was twenty feet away with a social smile on, and Dad pulled this? During a holiday when emotions were already heightened. And at a Snowers’ event, his event. The scandal would squat on Mikah’s career forever. Disrespect Mom, disrespect him. His fists clenched, and his brain cells blew. He could not move.

He recognized Piper was there. Her face leached color, her big green eyes hurting for him. Then her cousin Dahlia. Great. Bring on the whole family. Their mouths were moving. Social niceties? Now? He could not calm down enough to understand the words either one was saying.

He went on defensive mode, his strength. Block everyone from the room. Stop anyone else from coming down the hall. Punch Dad. Punch his own eyes to block that vision. Damn. Was this what it was like being in Liam’s head? He had to watch the puck coming at him from so many angles. The thought drove him from his inertia. Breathe. In, out.

Finding out Dad cheated was one thing, being a front-row observer another. Rage and contempt fought to top each other. He’d never be like his father. He’d never shit all over his wedding vows and his family.

Dahlia looked around. “Dodo has to be there, I’ve looked everywhere else.”

Piper held out her arms, preventing Dahlia from going into the room where his father was hooking up with the dancer. “Dodo’s not in there. There was a nursing mom.” She lied to cover for his dad. Dad had turned Piper into a liar. That was the thing with sins; they crept outward onto other people.