Page 83 of Pure Love

The pressure in her gave, and she came apart in his arms. Intimate lights flickered behind her closed eyes, blinding her to all but sensual satisfaction and relief from the frustrated passion. “Mmm.”

Mikah withdrew his fingers slowly and squeezed her bum. He rocked against her. “Hold still. Please. I’m going to…please.”

His gaze was frantic, his control was slipping. He was resisting, but she wanted him to feel as good as she did. Piper licked and sucked on his neck. She plumped her tongue on his skin, hooked her leg around his hips with her skirt hiked up and rolled against him.

“Oh.” Mikah thrust his hardness against where she was softest. He cupped her hips and moved her so her back was to the wall. His kisses intensified, and he shuddered as he came.

They stayed embracing tightly. “Stay the weekend with me.” His whisper came out quietly.

Her heart tightened even though her body relaxed in full agreement with his offer. “I can’t.” She kissed his cheek. She pulled free and untangled herself from his hold. “See you downstairs.”

Piper went to the ladies’ room and freshened up. She ripped her mask off and held it in her hand against the granite counter. She stared at herself in the mirror. What was she doing?

Please. She had no more control over her heart than she had over the stars.

Focus, circulate among the guests, stay out of Mikah’s arms. She could do this. Piper redid her mask and reapplied her lip gloss to her kiss-swollen lips. There, she was ready.

* * *

Piper shifted into a social, pretend-her-world-was-normal mode, and attended to the guests. Everyone have a drink? Check. Everyone knew where the appetizers were, perfect. Getting the clear vibe from Kiernan that his birthday mattered, she’d had the decorators divide the ballroom. Half was team colors, ice blue, and the other end was only silver and black balloons with “Happy Birthday” written on the front.

Kiernan got to the present table at midnight, though he had circled the table at least twice earlier in the evening.

Piper did her own rotation, staying lively and keeping away from Mikah. Though she was conscious of where he stood, leaning against an archway near his friends. His gaze tracked her, but other than quick glances, she didn’t let her eyes linger. One more compelling look from him, and she’d cave. Whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. Her breathing quickened. Guests, party, focus.

The guests kept partying downstairs, but Kiernan’s core group of friends surrounded him at the gift table. Kiernan dove into opening the gifts.

Kiernan chose Mikah’s gift first. Piper kept her gaze focused on the wrapping and not the giver.

Mikah had gotten him a stay at a decent hotel.

Heat flushed her face.

Kiernan chuckled.

That wasn’t his only teasing gift.

Kiernan was genuinely as excited about the gag gifts as he was about the real ones. Total new side of the guy. She had spent zero serious thought about fixing him up with one of her friends. He was changing her mind.

Kiernan unwrapped Liam’s gift. “Is it maple syrup?”

Liam waved for him to continue. “Open it, dude.”

“Is it underpants? Half a tenner?”

“Dude.” Liam took a swig of his beer.

“Concert tickets. Good one.” Kiernan bumped his fist.

One of the larger packages was up next. “This one’s from my cousin.” Kiernan snickered.

“Kellan Kelchier,” One of the guys sounded impressed. “Did he buy you an island?”

He was evidently a big deal.

“Bet it’s a Geels’ jersey,” Liam suggested.

“That would be the worst.” Kiernan dug into the wrapping with eager hands. “Last year he gave me a fake dog turd to hide my keys in. I sent him a stripper dressed like a turd emoji. He totally did her. His girlfriend Nicola caught him and dumped his filthy ass.” He snickered.