Page 80 of Pure Love

They were pretty.

“Or that dress.”

This floating petal-pink dress was adorable. While Piper hadn’t planned on being down here, she hadn’t wanted Mikah to see her looking less than her best if she ran into him. She had her pride.

Skate blades sounded against the ice. Liam stopped in front of them. “Are you trying to piss Mikah off?” The nice Canadian huffed out a sigh. “What’s taking so long? Why are you holding her like she’s going to make a run for it? Isn’t she cold in that skirt?”

Yes, it was nippy.

The guys holding her arms both started on long, full, and detailed explanations for Liam.

Ice skates echoed again in the arena faster than the others, smoother than the others. Mikah.

Her heart warmed.

Mikah reached them. “Let her go.”

Piper could control the situation herself. If she had been worried about them touching her arms, she’d have said so. At Mikah’s command, both their hands dropped away. A micro-second later, her feet swooshed from under her, her arms flew up, her body fell backward. Her skirt, oh, goodness.

Mikah swept forward and caught her to him.

Her heart thudded, and she clung to him as her hem settled decently around her legs. She breathed in. Dang, Mikah wore her favorite cologne.

Mikah had his stoic expression on. “Do you want me to take you over to the team?”


Rookie snorted and put his hands on his hips. “I wouldn’t have let you fall.”

Liam shoved his arm. “You just did.”

Ignoring their bickering, Mikah lifted her against his chest, one arm under her thighs, the other bracing her back.

Piper squeaked.

Then they were skating slowly and steadily across the ice while the other guys flew past them and back to their spots.

“Why didn’t you let Rookie bring you?” Mikah spoke in a low voice.

“Why did you ask him to?” Piper barely kept herself from sounding peeved.

Mikah shook his head. “I didn’t. He volunteered.”

Better. “Oh.”

“Were you forcing my hand? Waiting for me to come get you? You’re holding up practice.”

Ouch. Mikah could be a dick. Piper frowned. “My hesitation didn’t have anything to do with you.”

“Then why?”

“I thought…” Piper had one arm around his neck. She waved the other over her frontal region. “What if Rookie accidentally touched my upstairs?”

Mikah frowned. “Is that something he’s tried?” His pace slowed, and his tone deepened. Concern and jealousy hardened his cobalt eyes.

“No. I said accidentally. During our purity charity, he couldn’t handle Liam’s boob-filled slide show without needing to take personal time to self-fulfill. I couldn’t imagine if he touched a real live one what would happen.”

Mikah let out a sharp burst of laughter, drawing the attention of the entire team, but Mikah kept his focus on her. “True, good thinking.” He grew quiet as they neared the others. “Big game ahead, Coach won’t be as welcoming as usual.”