Page 72 of Pure Love

Kiernan eyed the coeds and waved his arms overhead, drawing more attention. “Historic man costume contest at 4:00 p.m. Yes, I’m in it.” Kiernan punched the air, showing off his hockey biceps.

A spate of feminine giggles and claps filled the room.

Liam pointed straight at her. “There’s Piper.”

Heads turned in their direction.

And then the guys were coming over and sliding onto the bench at her table. Mikah stood at her end, indicating he wanted to sit beside her, which forced everyone to scoot down. He slid in next to her. “Hi.”

What was he doing here? Piper motioned between them and arched her eyebrows.

Mikah shrugged.

Okay. Piper clasped her hands together, confused, but more than a little turned on by his medieval appearance. Who was she kidding? She was turned on by his hockey uniform, his jeans and t-shirt, his wearing nothing stretched out on hotel sheets…Her heart flipped back into a new, faster rhythm, and her brained slowed.

Calista looked up from examining the history scavenger hunt list. She showed the paper to Liam. “We’re doing a scavenger hunt to help Piper get extra credit. Where do I find a unicorn?”

Unicorn? That shook Piper away from shirtless, sheet memories. She wanted this credit, and Mikah didn’t need her drooling on his shoulder, that would be super attractive.

“A pasture,” Liam guessed. “Or an open field.”

Mikah tilted his head. “Near the joust?”

Kiernan looked at the list. “To catch a unicorn, we’re going to need a virgin,” he said, his voice loud and deep.

Dahlia giggled and touched her nose. “Not it.”

Liam touched his nose. “Not it.”

Piper giggled too. Her chance of getting this extra credit was dropping, but their good humor was catching. The nose-touching game continued.

“Looks like it’s you, sweetheart.” Kiernan looked at Calista as if sharing a regretful truth. “We’re going to need to tie you to a stake.”

Calista pouted.

Dahlia shook her head. “I haven’t seen a unicorn. Let’s start with item number two, an anachronism. Piper can find that blindfolded.”

Piper snorted. “Something out of place and time? Everywhere.”

Two other teams left the room, their cameras out.

Liam rose. “Is there a time factor?” A competitive edge in his voice got the other two players on their feet.

Professor Terrence shook his head. He touched Piper’s arm. “Need me to go over the list?”

She got the concept. “I’m good.”

The professor’s eyes brightened, and he looked her over more intently.

Guys. Wanting what they couldn’t have. Or maybe it was the cleavage. Could be that the semester was almost done, so she wasn’t his student much longer.

Professor Terrence stood and bowed. “See you at the finish line then, milady.”

Piper nodded. She led their group from the room, down the stairs, and back out onto the fairgrounds, all the while pleased, but confused too. Why was Mikah here? Was it mere coincidence? “If you run into anything on the list, send me the photo, please.” There, that left them free to roam.

Kiernan elbowed her. “Do we get purity points?”

Piper shook her head. “That’s not a thing.”