Page 59 of Pure Love

The spa had filled her hot tub with silicone boob implants.

No wonder the guys were so enthralled by the softness, and she was not. Hardness and masculinity turned her on, not boobs. Specifically, Mikah’s hardness did it for her, but not in a group setting. Embarrassment chilled her mood.

Kiernan flushed and jerked his hands out from under Willow’s puck bikini.

Mikah cursed.

Piper grabbed her robe. She tried to get her arm in the armhole and failed, though several silicone bubbles had found their way into the opening on their own. This was impossible. She’d simply stay below the rim until their session ended. “These are breast implants.” She enlightened Mikah in a hushed tone, like the guys could hear them through the glass.

“Could be.” Mikah pretended ignorance, and he helped her with the robe. He ended up draping the heavy, soaking terrycloth over her shoulders. “I can’t get this on you, too difficult to maneuver with all this lube.”

Lube? That’s what this was…lubricant. Piper groaned, but not in the satisfied way. “I really want out. And I really feel like if I try, I’ll fall on the tile, but if I don’t try…seriously, this might…”

“I got you.” Mikah grabbed a remote she hadn’t seen. He hit a button, releasing a waterfall from the ceiling. Piper shut her eyes against the warm shower. A drain on the other end of the tub opened, and the bubbles and gel flushed away.

Cleansed, but with super soft skin, Piper lifted out of the tub, holding the side rail until she got her feet steady. She kept her gaze on the loveseat against the wall, stepped carefully forward, and snagged a clean towel from the ladder. “I can live my life quite happily if I never see Willow in a sexual situation again.”

“Sorry about that. Didn’t think that was something I’d ever have to apologize for.” Mikah checked the remote. “Hey, curtain mode.” He hit a button on the remote and the blinds closed. “This I prefer, one on one, me and you. Privacy.”

They were of like minds. Piper brought him a dry towel. “Godiva Package. Got it. Lady Godiva, peeping Tom, this is a voyeur’s package.” Had those curtains opened just a few minutes later, she’d have been showing half the team her sex face. Embarrassment was swamping her, and she needed to process this without a witness. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tonight at the club.”

* * *

Piper, and Dahlia’s friends had opted for club clothes: mini-skirts and crop tops. Calista and her friends had not. Calista wore jeans and her signed Captain’s jersey. Olivia had on black slacks with an off-white blouse buttoned to the top. And Vivien wore a fitted blue t-shirt with two llamas having a private conversation about the herd behind them. The women took seats on leaf-shaped stools at a giant daisy table.

Piper spotted Mikah right away. He wore dark trousers and an untucked cream shirt. He looked handsome. Molten heat flooded her, taking her right back to the hot tub, and burned off her embarrassment.

Mikah waved and went to a private booth shaped like a hedge. He motioned for her to join him. She loved having his attention. Though normally, she’d make him do the work and come to her. She didn’t want their first words post-bubble bath to be in front of her friends. “Back in a second.”

Before she could reach Mikah, Kiernan and Liam shoved onto the bench from the other side. Ugh. Guess having an audience was their theme this weekend.

Mikah made room, she sat beside him, and he slipped his arm around her waist. Tingles drove goose flesh up on her skin, and she held in the shiver.

“Hey,” Mikah whispered in her ear.

Piper placed her hand on his thigh. His muscles tensed in reaction.

“Lot of ladies with you,” Kiernan said, his teal gaze on the daisy table.

“Yeah.” And he’d chosen Willow. “Thought Liam would like to meet a nice one.”

Mikah drummed his fingertips on her ribs. Piper imitated the motion against his leg.

Liam nodded enthusiastically and lifted his beer. He took a big drink. “I want a nice lady.” His green shirt made his eyes pop. He had a shot.

Kiernan cocked his head. “Hey, I like them nice too, sometimes.” Kiernan cupped his mouth and leaned across the table. He lowered his voice. “Sorry about the spa.”

Mikah grunted. Piper refused to meet Kiernan’s gaze.

Kiernan nodded. “Mikah explained that I was being a shit friend to hang with Willow, out of all the women in Vegas.”

Good apology. Her shoulders eased. He had been. “We’re cool.”

Kiernan eyed the daisy circle. “I’m ready for a nice one tonight.”

Piper doubted that, but her friends and could handle him. “Cool, go make your moves.”

The two single guys slid out.