After slipping my jeans on, I pulled out a tee shirt from my duffle bag, one I’d already brought up before I’d gone down to the bar and saw Vivian there. She was just too damn hot for me to pass up for a little romp in the sack. I really hadn’t planned on it being an all-nighter, or for her to still be there.
But, damn, when she lifted my wallet, I couldn’t help but punish her. Only, she enjoyed it. I called her a dirty whore, and she took it, got off on it. I’d never met a woman who didn’t slap me and stomp out of my bed if I called them anything close to it. Vivian, if that was her real name, was a woman who could take me, and fuck if it didn’t leave me torn.
My team would be pissed if I brought her with me. Hell, I’d be stupid to do it. Despite her being a hustler, she was a petty criminal and I sure the fuck wasn’t going to let some hot little bitch get in the way of my plans. Granted, she was good at it and I wouldn’t have known if I weren’t an expert at it myself. But, from the way she took control back from me, I knew there was a chance she’d be that way with the job and I couldn’t risk it.
Then again, she fell into me and let me dominate her half the night. Even dropped that fake northern accent and let her Texan drawl come out, which was so addicting. I scrubbed my hands over my face, trying to wipe away the sleep and indecision. I needed to get on the road, but this woman got under my skin, something that never happened before.
“Fuck it,” I muttered, going to the desk and ripping off a single sheet of paper. Twisting the gold pen with the hotel’s logo on it, I scribbled out a note to her before throwing a few hundred-dollar bills inside the fold and set it on the pillow by her head. The money didn’t matter. I’d be rolling in it soon enough. I had no doubt our plan was solid, and I’d have enough to splurge until the next job. It was my fault Vivian didn’t get a real mark, and she probably needed it. I was a real Robin Hood, a thought that made me laugh. Me, a good man? Never.
Vivian let out a small noise and shifted, the sheet falling and showing her inviting breasts to me. My dick hardened, and I fought for control over myself. I wanted to take that peaked nipple in my mouth and taste every inch of her skin before fucking that sweet cunt of hers again.
My phone vibrated, and I knew it was one of my crew asking me where I was. I guessed Ollie and was right. “How far out are you?” he questioned.
I rolled my eyes before answering, “I’m heading out in a few minutes. Be there in two hours.”
I didn’t even look at the response, knowing he’d be cursing me out. Throwing the phone in my back pocket, I grabbed my bag and made my way out to the truck I’d come across just for this job. It was a far cry from the sports cars I was used to, but the rusty old Chevy would get me where I needed to go with its souped-up engine, but still fit into the places I was headed.
The engine ran like a dream and it wasn’t so bad if I overlooked the outside. We’d rebuilt the entire motor and the rumble of it made it seem like I was riding in style. The bench seats were a relic of the past, ripped and faded, but I could imagine myself fucking Vivian in them, both the front and the back seats. The thought of her perfect handful of breasts bouncing as she rode me was enough to make me want to go back and get her.
I didn’t, though. Making my way out of the city and onto the county roads, I did, however, let myself relish the thoughts of her. The entire drive, I wished I’d skipped the shower and kept her scent on me. It was a shame the vanilla smell of her perfume and the heady aroma of her desire were now down the drain of that penthouse.
Reaching for my phone, I started to dial Rick’s number, the manager of the hotel, but pressed end before it could ring. Going by the name of Reginald, I’d done a hell of a lot of favors for him to get that job and he owed me. His whole fake persona was due to me and my contacts, giving him a new identity so he could put his felony record behind him for some little bitch he knocked up. The man was one of my trainers, bringing me to the top of my career so I couldn’t turn him away even though I thought he could do better than his now wife.
Thinking about it again, I decided to give Vivian one last parting gift. I redialed his number, and as soon as he answered in that fake British accent, I spouted off my instructions.
“Are you sure?” he questioned with alarm. “That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?”
“She loves a challenge,” I stated simply before I hung up.
My grin couldn’t be wiped off my face as I pictured all the ways she would try to get out of what I just set her up for, if she could. It was a test she might fail, and since I wouldn’t ever see her again, she was the perfect subject. If she passed, I’d consider going back and finding her, if only to fuck that pretty mouth of hers and hear her scream as I pounded into her cunt.
After the job was done. Nothing could happen until my pockets were lined, and I had a moment to breathe. Still weeks away, my crew and I had a lot to work out. Every part of the planning had been from afar, and we needed to stay low and get the schedules down before striking.
My GPS showed I only had about twenty more minutes before my arrival. The drive went by so fast with my thoughts of Vivian and the loud rock music blaring from my speakers. It was time to get ready to fit in, and I grabbed my shit-brown Stetson. I hated the color and wanted a black one, but Finn insisted brown would make me fit in better. Something about the black being too movie star or some shit. He was from this state, so I trusted his judgement. Besides, he was my trainer and the man I trusted more than Ollie.
Ollie, Oliver, was my manager and a fucking sleaze. His stupid ass got caught rigging fights and reaping the benefits of his placing bets on them. He wasn’t the only one doing it, which shows how damn untrustworthy any sports manager is. The only problem came when he got caught. I had no choice but to fire him publicly, despite reaping the benefits. Yeah, I had my part in it too and that’s why we hooked up after my injury left me unable to fight in the ring anymore.
I almost missed the turn and slammed on my brakes, the back of the truck swinging as I turned onto the dusty two-lane highway that would lead to the little town. Despite the heat, I rolled down the window and changed the station to country music. I had to look like I fit in this place and the dust flying in would certainly do the trick.
As I rode through the small downtown area, I didn’t garner a lot of attention. A few heads turned my way, but not long enough for them to notice me as an outsider. Exactly what I wanted.
Taking in the signs on the buildings, there weren’t many options for entertainment, which wasn’t surprising. A bank, bar, gas station, and movie theater sat between the small ma and pa shops spanning only a few blocks. It seemed to be a town center with a park in the middle. The largest building was the local farm supply store, and its parking lot was packed compared to the streets, which held only a few vehicles. It was a far cry from the bustling Vegas where I’d spent my life up until this point. Yeah, I’d traveled a lot and hit up the big cities during my five-year career, but Vegas was always home to me.
If I blinked, I would’ve missed the main drag, and I hated it. It would be a hell of a long couple of weeks until we could get the fuck out of this shithole. At least there was a bar and that would be the first thing I’d do after looking at the rental Ollie secured for us.
The road was dotted with ranches, the land sparse and depressing as I drove the last couple of miles to the little farmhouse rental. The smell of cow shit hung heavy in the air and I wondered if I’d get used to it before we left.
Parking, I jumped out of the truck, my legs a little numb from the ride. Stretching my back, it didn’t take Ollie long to stomp out the door, “Where the fuck have you been? We’re on a timeline, asshole.”
I grinned and tipped my hat to him like a proper cowboy, drawling, “Good day to you, partner.”
He scowled at me, “Finn is checking shit out. He wasn’t going to wait for you.”
“Ollie, you know that’s why I love you, man. You always take care of the details so I can do what I do best. That hot piece of ass was worth your anger.” I slapped him on the back goodheartedly before getting my bag out of the passenger side, “Now be a good boy and give me a tour. I need to take a piss.”
My laughter followed as he stomped back up the weathered stairs, muttering, “I’m not your server, asshole.” The door closed with a loud bang behind him. I loved getting under his skin. He made it too damn easy.
Chapter 4