Page 50 of Tastes Like Misery

I felt movement beside me and I noticed Finn shifting to get a good view, a look of interest on his face. He seemed mesmerized as the two men gave me more, stretching and filling me until I didn’t think I could take anymore. But they went past that point and I took every inch of them, my cunt taking it all, becoming so slick it made me want to feel them buried to the hilt. I begged for more through the throbbing ache, and soon I was coming undone, my words spitting out in raw wanting. Coming all over them, every nerve was alive and I couldn’t stop, not knowing where one orgasm started and the other began. I drove them to come with me, their warmth spurting into me one after the other as I clenched around their dicks.

We stayed where we were, fully satiated, but my pussy didn’t want to let them go. My guys were my everything, and I just wanted to explore it all with them. There was no way we could get caught. Not now that I found my place and more love than I ever dreamed of having.

As the three men ran their fingers along my skin with feather light touches, I finally relaxed enough to let them go, not that either one rushed to pull out. We stayed like that until Ollie complained of his knees and had to stretch out. I laid my head on Dane’s chest and held my hands out to rest on the two men beside us, each of them etched into my soul. Our fucked up little band of misfits fit so perfectly together.

Chapter 30


Our job was simple tonight. A prominent jewelry store in the center of the city. If I hadn’t let Ollie finish the explanation of his plan, I would’ve balked at it. He was smart as hell, but this was almost begging to be caught.

When he explained every detail and all we had to do, I became more impressed with his mind. I tried to find the flaws in it but couldn’t. It would be simple and we’d be able to stick around the city I became fond of in only two days’ time.

I knew part of me just didn’t want to go back to the boring backwoods towns, but no one would blame me for that. A short walk to anything my heart desired and the fast pace was what I loved about it. We could easily get lost in a crowd, everyone was so interested in where they were going, they never stopped to pay attention to others. It worked well for a bunch of criminals on the run.

This time Dane was behind the wheel, his mask sitting on top of his head and his black clothes making him look like every part the stereotypical burglar. We matched, but I was unique, my tight black outfit showing off every curve of my body. For once I wore sneakers, also in black, if only because the escape route didn’t allow for any mistakes. As well as I could run in heels, there were limits to my abilities.

With only ten minutes left before closing time, the streets of the shopping district were devoid of life other than employees shutting the shops for the day, most already darkened for the night.

“No killing this time. Every employee needs to be left alive,” Ollie’s order left no room for argument, his voice sharp as he looked directly at Finn who just shrugged, this time his face a mask of indifference. His demons weren’t present tonight. Ollie went through the list, partly to make sure we were all on the same page. I knew by now this was his way of keeping control and calm his own nerves. For some reason, he was worse tonight than in the past. Since he still kept us in the dark about whatever all his phone calls entailed, I had no idea what his deal was. It didn’t matter, though. We had a job to complete and nothing could stop the excitement pumping through my veins.

“Buckle up,” Dane grinned wickedly as he approached the target, pressing down on the accelerator before any of us could respond. We pulled our masks down over our faces, having already buckled ourselves in, following the plan perfectly.

The Denali’s engine roared to life, speeding us down the empty street without struggle. I felt my teeth snap together as he hit the curb and we bounced. Bracing myself for the impact, I tried to leave my muscles relaxed to help lessen the injury.

Sounds of creaking metal and smashing glass were almost deafening as Dane drove straight through the front of the jewelry store. “Well, that was one hell of an entrance,” I giggled as I unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped out to find the two terrified women huddled in the corner.

Pointing my gun at them, I was cruel, demanding, “Don’t move an inch, and you’ll survive with your lives intact.” They sobbed but did as I told them. There was something about the two that reminded me of every single girl who called me a slut, a loser, and everything else they could think of in high school. My finger itched to pull the trigger, but I wouldn’t disobey Ollie. Not when we were finally on good terms again, aside from his secret keeping.

Still, the fear coming off them in waves gave me a sense of satisfaction. I wished I’d known back in the day how much I was capable of. I wasn’t a monster, but I wasn’t a saint either. This sense of power over those who looked down on me was the reason I never wanted to stop our crime spree. I’d happily go to jail and dream every single day of the best time of my life with my guys.

The men smashed into the display cases, throwing everything into their bags. I wanted to join them, but it wasn’t my part this time, something Ollie and I argued about that afternoon. He told me to trust him and I laughed in his face, “None of us are trustworthy.”

“Then trust in my love for you,” he said simply before kissing me, effectively stopping my protests.

Finn came over to where I stood and ordered one of the simpering women to open the vault. She sobbed, snot running down her Botox lips, “I- I don’t have the combination.”

Cocking my pistol, I took a step forward and pressed it against her temple, “We both know that’s bullshit. Now be a good little cunt and listen to the man.”

She nodded slowly and carefully stood. Finn took over, shoving his own gun against her temple so I could take care of the one left on the floor. I double checked his eyes and saw no darkness, sighing in relief. Despite my own desire to end them, Ollie said no deaths.

Dane and Ollie joined us, Ollie taking over guard duty on the two women, the blonde having already opened the safe and sitting back down with her coworker. Dane’s hand touched my arm and he gently pushed for me to lower my weapon. I was confused, this not being any part of the plan I’d heard.

“You mean everything to me,” his voice was so gentle I almost thought an alien took over his body. Surprising me even more, he got down on one knee and held up a ring, “Marry me, baby girl. Marry us.”

I blinked once as it hit me, tears welling up in my eyes as I shouted, “Yes!” Jumping into his arms and kissing his mask-covered face. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Alright, you two, we need to get out. Time is not on our side,” Ollie said, though I could hear the amusement in his voice.

Coming back to reality, I knew he was right. The sirens blared in the distance, giving us only minutes to escape. Picking up a bag, I slung it over my shoulder and followed them out, knowing I’d be able to enjoy the brilliance of the diamonds once we were safely out of there.

We ran out the back door and into the alley, cutting through the darkness turning different directions at each junction until I was completely turned around. I trusted in Ollie and we ripped off our masks, gloves, and dark shirts, throwing them in a dumpster before making our way to a busy street holding the nightclubs of the city. Not even the bags we carried made us stand out, and soon we caught a cab back to the hotel.

My leg bounced on the short drive, excited to see our haul. I didn’t let myself get dazzled by the pretty jewelry while watching the two bitches. I let my mind wander to what the next steps would be, something Ollie hadn’t shared yet. We were currently out of a vehicle and staying in a city where we just committed a robbery. It made no sense to me, yet it felt good to not run again.

Once we arrived at the hotel, the cabbie didn’t give us a second glance as Dane shoved some bills at him and we exited. No one paid us any attention, though I knew we were watched by cameras the whole way. It gave me the willies, and I shivered as we rode up the elevator.

“Don’t worry. I know Ollie has something up his sleeve. He won’t fuck us over,” Finn assured me. With his arms wrapped around me, my head fell back into his chest and I tried to trust in them.