Page 53 of Tastes Like Misery

“Would you die for me?” his words crippled me, the pain stabbing me in my chest. We weren’t getting out of this one. It didn’t matter how much Ollie planned ahead, this wasn’t going the way it was supposed to.

“Yes,” I breathed out, my voice shaky with tears. “All of us in together and out together.”

Eventually, we came to an area where there was nothing but a large field on one side and trees on the other, seemingly out of place in this area. I was so confused by it, Finn’s shout took me by surprise, “Get down!”

I ducked right as he sped up, bullets raining down on us. It felt as if the world dropped away and my stomach with it, unable to hear anything as the bullets kept coming. My body seemed to float before coming down with a thud, a blast of pain radiating through me before my vision swam.

I heard voices around me, but I couldn’t open my eyes or move my body. Panicked shouting sounded before a calmer voice said, “Driver and front passenger, no pulse.” My heart ached, and I wanted to scream and cry for the loss of Finn and Ollie, but I was stuck doing it in my own mind.

A sickening sound of metal grinding against one another, almost piercing my eardrums. I still couldn’t move away, my body refusing to do anything as darkness danced around me. “Rear passenger male, no pulse,” I heard the same man shout and my heart broke. Dane. No, not Dane.

Darkness clouded me, not only my heart screaming in pain but also my body not wanting to go on anymore. I barely felt the touch on my neck, the darkness consuming me as I heard the man sounding so far away, “Female rear passenger, no pulse.”



“We really need to get some of these chairs when we buy our house,” I shifted, enclosed in the cloud-like cushion of the beach chair. “When are we flying out to check out the island?”

Dane opened his eyes and scanned my body from head to toe, “Two hours, I think. Depends on what Lana can do. That’s enough time for a quickie.”

”As much as I love quickies, I’d rather take my time with all of you. When we come back, we’ll celebrate.” I sipped my drink, loving the flavors of coconut rum and pineapple, before looking around at the beach. This stretch wasn’t busy, with only a few people laying out in the sun. “I still can’t believe we made it out of that alive.”

“It’s amazing what people will do for money, especially burned out, underappreciated medical examiners, corrupt doctors, and underpaid cops and EMTs,” Ollie laughed. “The whole idea of them being in it for the good of humanity is bullshit when it comes right down to it. There will always be bad guys, no matter what someone chooses to do for a living.”

Finn raised his beer bottle, “Especially a doctor about to lose everything if his online activity is revealed. I guess we won’t be going back to Vegas, but we can make our own club here.”

I nodded before closing my eyes and enjoying the tropical sun on my body. I couldn’t wait to have our own private island where I could get rid of my tan lines.

I opened my eyes when the sun was blocked, only to see the cougar standing above me. “The helicopter is set for four o’clock. Is there anything else you need before I go back to my room?” the lilt on the end was an obvious invitation and it made me bristle.

“No thank you, Lana. We’ll see you in an hour,” Ollie answered briskly, dismissing her with his attitude.

She strode away with her head held high despite being turned down flat. Once she was out of earshot, I looked at him, “When do you plan on telling her we’re together? This leading her on is a little annoying.”

He locked eyes with Finn as he answered, “As soon as our business with her is done, she’ll disappear.”

“Tying up loose ends and all that,” Dane added. “We should go for that quickie. We can wash the sand off your body. You can’t go looking at islands dressed in a bikini.”

I rolled my eyes, “You all were the ones who insisted I stay in as little clothing as possible now that we’re safe.” Still, I stood up and started for our villa, excited to see what paradise that cougar, whose name still escaped me, would show us.

Dane slung his arm over my shoulder and looked down at me, his eyes dark, “Not when it comes to being in anything that could kill us. We didn’t go through everything just to have a pilot crash us in the ocean because your tits are so fucking amazing.”

“Speaking of, Ollie, I’m still pissed at you for not telling me the last part. I heard them pronounce all of you dead. And the way I woke up.” I paused as a shiver ran through me, reliving that sensation of pure panic. “Well, that could have come with a warning.”

“You wouldn’t have gone through with it,” he stated simply as he walked into the villa and straight to the large outdoor shower. Turning the water on, he beckoned for me to come to him. No matter how pissed I was, I couldn’t say no to him, to any of them.

They each took their time, tugging on the strings of my bikini and washing me from head to toe. Every touch sent me closer to the edge until I begged for them to fuck me, everything else forgotten. They took their turns, each one fucking me hard and fast, making me orgasm over and over until we were all satiated.

Climbing out, I realized I would have to wear something conservative to cover up the red marks they’d left all over me. I wouldn’t have wanted for anyone to think my guys were sex traffickers or anything so despicable. Even though I was proud of our status on the FBI’s most wanted list and we were safely outside of extradition, it wasn’t something I’d brag about either. I could just be happy knowing we achieved all we set out to and came out alive and well, now on our way to buying our own island in the tropics with an exclusive nightclub for us to run. Our full wallets would remain that way, no dangerous robberies were necessary. As much as we all loved the rush of crime, we’d found legal ways to get those thrills for the future.


When I knew we wouldn’t get out alive, and had to take the matter into my own hands. I couldn’t tell the others because they wouldn’t have understood the complexity of my plans. Hell, I didn’t even have the whole thing figured out until the last days after arriving in Chicago.

I paid off a lot of people to make sure we looked dead and still got out with the money, jewelry, and our lives. Lana was a vital part of it and I kept her hopes up of a repeat of our time together in Vegas as a way to keep her compliant, along with other, more dastardly threats.

She found the doctor and approached him with the threat of releasing his dark web activity to the authorities. It seemed our little doctor had a thing for underage girls, something that crossed the line to even me. Despite her promises, he wouldn’t get off. The information would be sent right after his death, which I expected to have confirmed in the next few days.