Page 48 of Tastes Like Misery


The next city was enormous, and we could blend in better. It was completely worth the twelve-hour drive. There were plenty of chain stores where I went and picked up some new clothes and supplies to change our appearances. Dane and Ollie didn’t want me anywhere near them with the hair dye, but Finn was all for it, asking for blue tips, which I denied. “It will make you stand out too much. We’re going for unassuming professionals. Just another suit with a boring office job and two point five kids at home.”

When the buzz of the hair trimmer started up, Ollie and Dane disappeared, irritating the hell out of me. They at least let me cover up some of the tattoos and give them completely different looks with clothes. Dane looked as he did the first night we met and I couldn’t stop my pussy from needing to feel him. I wanted that crazy lustful sex we enjoyed the first time.

With Finn’s hair buzz cut, he looked like every woman’s wet fantasy, and I found myself unable to stop running my hand over his head. The fuzz was amazing, and I imagined it would feel so damn good between my legs. It was worth losing the grip I’d have on his hair.

Our room for the night was a little cramped and lacked the table the penthouse contained, but with three dicks at my disposal, I could make do. Wearing one of my expensive dresses, we took the chance of going out to dinner. Using public transportation, we kept our faces out of view of the cameras scattered around the city. The mistake we made with the tollway cameras wouldn’t be repeated and none of us could stay huddled up in the room anymore, even if we had plenty of entertainment with each other.

I chose a blonde wig, just like the one I originally wore when I met Dane. One look at me and he gripped my neck as he kissed me. “If I didn’t need an excellent whiskey, I’d change my mind about going out. You look mouthwatering.” Nipping my neck, he continued, “I’m going to eat you up when we get back.”

“If I weren’t in need of a good time out of a car and room, I’d take you up on that. This princess needs some pampering.”

“We did promise you that,” Finn replied in my ear, boxing me in against Dane. I love the way he looked in his suit with a pageboy cap on his head. Very twenties mafia and it was so damn sexy. As much as I loved Dane’s polished suit, Finn was so perfectly him I couldn’t help my need for him. Ollie looked the picture of a charming southern boy in his stylish suit with hints of pastels softening him, unlike Dane’s stark black and white. He stood silently in the background, things between us just not the same since the first news report and disappointment seeped into me.

“Oliver, are you coming?” I used his full name to get his attention.

“Yes, I’ll catch up to you. I need to make a phone call and then I’ll catch a cab. Order me a steak and I’ll be there before it’s ready.”

I tried not to be hurt, but couldn’t stop it. I thought I found my perfect place with all three of them and to be thrown away by one was painful. I knew damn well they were like brothers and wouldn’t split apart for any woman, not even me.

Finn kissed the back of my neck, “Don’t worry, vixen. He’ll be okay. He’s just doing a lot of re-planning things. You know he’s a control freak.”

“I know. I just wish he’d let me in. I could help,” I sighed.

“Personally, I like the way you two are now. It’s pure entertainment to watch you fight,” Dane didn’t mince words, taking my arm in his, tugging. I stood my ground, not wanting to leave Ollie and yearning to find out what all these secretive phone calls were about. Dane pulled harder, adding a warning in his voice, “Now, my princess was promised pampering on this adventure and I never break my promises.”

I relented, pasting a smile on my face as he led me out the door and to the SUV. Finn held out his hand to help me up and not long after, we were on the busy city streets, Dane expertly weaving his way through traffic.

The valet was something I’d never experienced before, and I felt like royalty when the young man opened my door and helped me out. This was no little steak place, but a five-star restaurant. I assumed one dish cost as much as an entire month of groceries for me back home. Refusing to let it intimidate me, I walked with purpose, a sense of belonging. This was the lifestyle I deserved and none of these cows could deny me my right. The host pulled out the chair for me and I sat daintily on the comfortable chair, the soft fabric brushing against my bare legs.

I sat back and sipped the most delicious wine I’d ever tasted in my life. The flavor burst on my tongue and I didn’t miss beer at all. Our conversation was light and full of laughter, I didn’t realize Ollie’s absence until long after Dane ordered for me. It was when the meal was delivered that I noticed he hadn’t shown up, nor had either of them ordered for him.

“Did you know he wasn’t really coming?” My narrowed eyes darted between the two of them.

Dane’s expression turned dark, and I gulped, rubbing my thighs together. He always scared me and made me want to jump him all at the same time. “Eat,” he ordered, and I picked up my fork and knife without hesitation.

I kept glancing at the door, hoping Ollie was just running late, but he never came. Every time I tried to bring it up, either Finn changed the subject or Dane demanded I drop it. “Will he be at the bar?” I asked hopefully, my stomach churning when my past of not being wanted bubbled to the surface.

“Vivian, enough. He’s taking care of some shit right now. Let’s just go and have a good time,” the way his grip on my waist tightened contrasted with the sweetness in Finn’s tone.

Stopping in my tracks, my lip quivered as I faced him, “Just please tell me one thing. Is he done with me?”

He grasped the back of my neck, his thumb stroking my cheek as he looked me in the eye. I’d never heard him more serious before and he made sure I understood, “No. He loves you. You are the only woman he’s ever loved. Right now, he’s worried about all of us and doing what he does best. Remember, his job was a manager, which meant he always had to be on top of everything. This is him taking care of you.”

“But you can’t tell me what he’s doing,” I scoffed, irritated at being left in the dark again.

“I don’t know what he’s up to. Dane doesn’t either. At least not all of it. We’re all in the dark, but we have to trust he knows what he’s doing.” When I continued to pout, he kissed me and I lost myself in his warmth, sensing his deep love for me. Leaving me breathless when he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against mine, “I love you, Vivian Parker. Nothing will ever change that. We’re in this together, always.”

“I love you too, Finn Hale.” His words and kiss were exactly what I needed to feel the buzz of energy back inside of me, “Let’s go drink and dance. The night is young and I’m using every moment of freedom from that damn car.”

Dane scooped me up and lifted me over his shoulder, spanking my ass as it hung out for everyone to see. “I’m going to get you drunk and take advantage of you.”

“You never need to get me drunk for that,” I squirmed as I felt the cool night air rush up my skirt. “You know we probably shouldn’t make a scene since there are cameras everywhere,” the thought dawned on me a little too late.

“Fuck the cameras. We’re living free tonight. We deserve it.”

It didn’t sit right with me, yet I felt a rush of freedom I hadn’t felt since the night in Texas at the club. This was the life I was promised, and I’d damn well take advantage of it. I doubted any of those agents figured out where we were now, Arkansas far behind us. Here, we were young, wild, and free. As much as I missed Ollie’s presence, I knew these two men would keep me occupied all night.