My chest swelled with pride as I watched Andi stand her ground and put Andrew in his place. He’s good at what he does, but he can be cocky. If her tongue stays sharp, then she’ll make it in the cutthroat film industry.

After grabbing lunch, I sit down with the scriptwriters and producers. There are still a lot of changes needing approval before we can completely move forward.

“I understand Ford has gotten a lot of extra publicity, but the main star is still Jacob. He is the headliner that will put people in their seats. Besides, press is press, right?”

I argue as the studio executives continue to bicker about Ford’s expanding role. They’re all fawning over Taylor like he’s the next Tom Cruise, when he’s just another dick in need of anger management.

I’m sure he’s paying someone big bucks to keep his bad habits in the dark while keeping his pockets lined with cash. If what Ford said is true, there is no way he would get away with this bullshit any other way.

“Get me the new scenes before the end of the day and I’ll look them over. If they fit with my vision, we can move forward. If not, you can find yourself another director and producer. Don’t forget, this location and the entire crew walks with me.” I don’t wait for their response before ending the call.

I hate throwing my weight around, but I’m damn good at my job. The people I work with are the best in this industry. I’ll be damned if I let some snot-nosed talentless kid get the best of me because he has someone on his payroll.

“Sounds like a productive phone call,” Rebekah chimes in from over my shoulder.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “As always. I swear Taylor has some serious dirt on some of these studio executives.”

Glancing out the window, I notice the snow is falling faster and accumulating quickly. This is not good for shooting.

Rebekah opens her mouth to respond just as my phone signals an incoming message.

She shakes her head and gives me a knowing smile. “I’ll leave you to that.”

“You sure you don’t want to trade places for a few hours?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” With a small wave over her shoulder, she disappears out the small office room door.

Picking my phone up off the table, I immediately open my messages. Sighing in relief, I notice it’s not another message from the executives, but from Andi. I hesitate for a moment before opening it.

Andi: I need new pants now.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? I take a few minutes to contemplate my response before a picture message comes through. I hit the accept button and almost drop my phone. Andi’s slender fingers are plunged into her pussy and her jeans are pooled on the floor in front of her.

Me: Your pussy belongs to me. Who gave you permission to touch it?

Andi: Someone is taking too long. I had to get started without you.

Me: Where. Are. You?

I don’t even wait for her to respond before I’m headed out of the small production office and toward the lobby.

Andi: Just in the spa. Relaxing.

Relaxing? She will choke on my cock as soon as I find her.

I push my way through the frosted double doors of the spa and begin opening every closed door I see. When I come to the last room at the end of a dimly-lit corridor, I stop and knock.

“Come in, Daddy,” she moans.

Thoughts of her fingers plunging in and out of her pussy make my cock harden instantly. I thrust the door open, but before I punish Andi, I turn and quickly lock it.

We don’t need any interruptions.

“Someone has been a very bad girl,” I growl as I face Andi, who’s spread out on a massage table, her legs wide and her fingers buried deep in her hole.

It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.