“When did you turn into… this?”

What the fuck was I thinking? I used to change this girl’s diapers. How did I not notice who she was the moment I laid eyes on her? I know it’s been years since I’ve seen her, but I should have known.

Tears immediately fill her eyes. “And what exactly is this? A whore? Sorry to be such a disappointment, Nolan.”

“Andi, wait. That’s not what I meant. Just wait a minute and cut me some slack. I’m just a little shocked at the moment,” I stammer, trying to give my brain a chance to catch up with my mouth.

Andi swipes at her eyes as she locates her clothes and slides them back onto her body. “I think you said plenty. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

She doesn’t even spare me a backward glance as she heads out of the room.

It takes me a few minutes to register that she left me in the room, alone, after the best sex I have ever had in my life. The one thing I know is that no matter how good that was, it can never happen again.

Now I just have to convince myself to abide by the statement I just made.