“You’re okay with this, Pops?” Andi’s voice is small, but I hear the hope. She doesn’t want to lose her dad either.

He sighs and closes his eyes briefly before opening them. “No, I’m not. But you two love each other, so I will figure out a way to accept it.”

“That’s all we’re asking for,” I say, wrapping my arm around Andi.

Her dad’s face contorts. “Not in front of me, please. I don’t think I can handle the two of you being all lovey-dovey yet.”

“Well, if you’ll excuse us,” Andi says, grabbing my hand and turning toward the door.

“Not so fast, young lady. It’s father/daughter movie day,” he says, stopping her. “And I get to pick.”

“Pops.” She turns around, her face red. “I know what you’re going to pick, and I’m not sticking around for that.”

“Well, I’m not letting you two sneak off to some dark corner of the resort to do God knows what.”

“We won’t sneak off, Pops. Nolan’s room is right down the hall. You’ll probably hear us.”

“Andi!” Bruce and I both yell in unison.

“We need to talk, little girl,” I growl into her ear.

Her smile tells me she knows exactly what she’s doing.

She turns and whispers to me. “I was hoping for a punishment, Daddy.”

Bruce clears his throat, and we jump apart.

He looks at us both with expectant eyes. “Well, what’s it going to be? Anna and Elsa wait for no one.”

“You can’t be serious,” I moan.

“He’s very serious,” Andi informs me with a twitch of her lips.

She follows her father, who’s already humming the song about building a snowman, but I tug on her hand.

“Wait a second.”

She stares up at me with her big eyes, batting her lashes. “Is something wrong, Daddy?”

“First, never call me ‘Daddy’ while your father is around. Second, I don’t exactly want to spend the next two hours sitting between you and your father watching a Disney cartoon.”

“Do you want him to be okay with our relationship or not, Nolan?”

“Of course I do. You know that.”

“Then I hope you know the words, ‘cause my Dad likes to watch the sing-along version.”

Like a lovesick puppy, I follow her into the living room. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but when I watch the two of them together, belting out the words to every single song, I know she’s worth every risk I’m taking to be with her.

Our relationship is going to keep the rumor mill running a bit longer, but I have faith Andi will handle it all with her usual sass, which is the reason why I’ve loved her for longer than I realized. She’s so strong and independent. When she wants something, nothing stands in her way.

And I happen to be the lucky son of a bitch she wants.