Itry to focus on anything other than the sting in my ass as I head toward the conference room door, immediately spotting my friends from our first day here.

“Can I see your badge, Andrew? I need to make sure you belong here,” I tease, which causes his face to turn beet red.

“Come on, Andi. It was an honest mistake. How was I supposed to know you were going to be here? Girls that look like you aren’t known for being part of the studio crew.”

“Girls like me? You know, that’s the second time I’ve heard that phrase in the last week. Let’s just say I’m not a fan. What type of girl am I?”

I wait patiently for him to answer.

“Look at you. You’re confident and gorgeous. You belong on the other side of the camera.”

“That’s a lovely compliment, Andrew, but my looks have nothing to do with my abilities,” I tell him plainly. “Maybe I should just whip stich your lips shut so you don’t say anything stupid again.”

The crowd gathered around us erupts in a chorus of hoots and cheers.

I brush past him and leave the conference room before I say anything else that might earn me another arbitrary punishment.

After grabbing a quick bite to eat, I check in on Ivy. She’s got some tea to spill about Ford, and I’m practically bursting to tell someone about Nolan. Not to mention, I need to figure out a way to handle my dad when he inevitably finds out.

“There is no way it takes this long to put on some fake skin,” I mumble to myself as I head toward the spa room she texted me she would be in.

As I near the door, I don’t even bother to knock, which in retrospect was a bad idea. Ford and Ivy are locked in a very compromising position.

“What in the holy fuck?! This is supposed to be a place of peace.” I wish I had bleach for my eyes.

Ford releases Ivy so quickly that she falls back and cracks her head on the glass. Ouch, I know that hurt.

Without a second glance, he sprints from the room, leaving both of us speechless.

“Ivy. Darling, sweet friend of mine. You just had Ford Harmon’s tongue down your throat. Care to share what the fuck just happened?”

Ivy spouts some nonsense about regret and how she has no idea what just happened, but I understand more than she knows. I listen to her for a few more minutes before images of Nolan on his knees between my legs overtake my vision. I have some unfinished business to attend to, and I know just the way to do it now.

Throwing my arm over Ivy’s shoulder, I give her a one-armed squeeze. “You have this room for another thirty minutes. Why not enjoy it? All the sex pheromones in this room are giving me ideas.”

I leave the room quickly and make a beeline for Chelsea. Maybe the spa can work its magic on Nolan. As I approach the front desk, I notice Ford heading back.

You go, girl.

“Hey, Andi. What can I do for you?” Chelsea asks.

“First, you can add another two hours to the spa room my pops set aside for the film crew?”

She gives me a confused look before crossing her arms. “And why should I do that?”

“Because you love me and I’m asking you to.”

Chelsea only raises an eyebrow at me. Guess that wasn’t a good enough reason. Who knew?

“Fine. I need it. My back is killing me, and I want to soak and not be bothered. I can’t find my dad to ask if I can use any of the others.”

“Now that’s a more plausible reason. I can make it happen, but it’s gonna cost you.”

“And what is the cost for this small favor?”

“Jacob Taylor’s autograph.”