“There’s more,” I tell her, urging her to look in the bag.

She pulls out the second box and opens it.

“Are you kidding me?” she says, glaring at me once she reads the inscription.

I shrug. “I thought it was funny.”

Like the necklace, they engraved both bracelets with “Property of Dr. S. Jacobs.”

“No one will ever see it,” I remind her. “And if they do, then they’re too close to what belongs to me.”

We gorge ourselves on the leftover takeout we ordered yesterday and spend the rest of the day watching movies. This is unusual for me, but then again, everything about my relationship with Avery is out of the ordinary. She changed the game for me.

“Samuel,” she says softly. “I have something to tell you.”

“Oh, God. Please tell me you’re not pregnant,” I groan.

I know we’re both insatiable, but I’m confident we’ve been safe. Maybe we haven’t…


“I’m sorry, but babies are not in my future. Ever.”

“Thankfully, I’m not pregnant but what I have to tell you will affect things.” She’s quiet for a long while, which makes me uncomfortable. “I’m going to transfer to Arizona University.”

I pop up off the couch. “What? Are you fucking kidding me?”

She looks up at me with her big hazel eyes, which are glassy with unshed tears. “I can’t go back there, Samuel. Not after Alec. And I don’t want to jeopardize your position, either.”

“I told you, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is you and me, Avery.”

“And whether you lose your job matters to me.”

I sit down on an armchair next to the couch where she still sits. “Long-distance relationship?”

“Only until I graduate. And I’m pretty sure I can convince my parents to buy me a condo.”

I shake my head. “That’s not the point, Avery. You’re mine. I need to have you close.”

“Why? So, you can fuck me whenever you want?”

I narrow my eyes and push up from the chair, stalking my way back to the couch and hovering over her.

I slip a finger under the necklace and pull it tight against her skin. “Don’t you understand, little girl? You’re like the air I breathe. I can’t live without you.”

I let go and walk away.

She gives me the space I need to think.

Avery is so much more than the woman I want to dominate. She’s the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life.

I chuckle to myself at the thought of being monogamous. I used to fuck my way through half the sororities on campus, one girl after another. I never cared about their feelings, and I never invited them back to my bed. Fuck ‘em and chuck ‘em.

But with Avery, I want everything. I want all her mornings and nights. I want to come home to her. I want to see and share the world with her. I live and breathe only for her, but now she’s asking me for something I’m reluctant to give her, because I fear it will be the end of me.

I know she’s there before she even speaks a word. I can feel her warmth spread across me. She rests her head against my back and slides her hands up my chest.

“I love you,” she says quietly. “Probably since I was a stupid eighteen-year-old girl.”