
What the fuck? What in the hell is she talking about? What does she want that I wouldn’t be able to give her? I’d give her the moon if I could.

I need answers.

The sorority house where Avery lives is a dead end. The girls are tight-lipped, but one sneaks away from the crowd.

“Hey,” she says, chasing me down as I head toward my car. “Avery went home.”

“This is her home. Doesn’t she live here?”

The girl smiles sympathetically. “I meant home to Scottsdale.”

I nod. “Right. Thank you.”

“Avery is a tough cookie. She hasn’t had it easy, so just don’t fuck it up, okay?”

“I’m going to try my best,” I assure the girl.

The moment I return home, I immediately search for flights to Arizona and book the earliest one possible. The cost is astronomical, but the price of losing Avery would be insurmountable. I quickly pack a bag, tossing in whatever I think I need for however long it will take for me to convince Avery to return to Danville with me. As I’m packing, my eyes land on the plain black shopping bag sitting on top of my dresser. I reach for it, snatching it and shoving it into my leather suitcase.

* * *

Goddamn, Arizona is bright. After a long flight, I’m not ready for the sun’s assault on my eyes. I dig a pair of sunglasses out of my bag, slip them on and make my way through the airport to pick of a rental car.

Once I’m settled, I plug Avery’s address into the GPS on my phone. Before I left Danville, I made sure to write it down from her student file. I navigate slowly out of the rental car lot and out into the chaotic Phoenix traffic.

Avery doesn’t live far. It only takes about half an hour to get to her house, which, thankfully, is not in a gated community. It’s a sprawling Southwestern-style home with an impeccable view of the Camelback Mountains. It’s hard to believe anyone could be miserable growing up in a place like this, but from everything Avery has said about her parents, she didn’t have the best childhood.

When I park the car and get out, I’m unexpectedly nervous. I’ve flown halfway across the country for this girl, and there’s a very real possibility she might slam the door in my face.

I ring the doorbell and wait.

The large wooden door opens slowly until, at last, my girl is revealed. Her hazel eyes widen with surprise and her mouth drops open.

I want to kiss her senseless before putting her across my knee and spanking her delicious ass. But I’m so damn relieved to see her. She looks fresh and rested. Her hair is piled into a messy bun on top of her head, and I can see a smattering of freckles across her cheeks.

“Fuck you’re beautiful,” I breathe out.

“What are you doing here?” she asks quietly.

“I came for what’s mine.”


I take a step forward and press my fingers against her lips. “There’s no use in fighting me, little girl. So, why don’t we just get down to business?”

Her face scrunches up in a scowl. “Is that all I am to you? Business?”

I shuffle closer until we’re practically nose-to-nose. “I wouldn’t have come all this way if that’s how I felt.”

She sucks in a breath and lets it out, but holds her ground, keeping her eyes locked on me.

“Are your parents home?”

Her face softens just a bit. Perhaps I hit a sore spot.

“No. Why?”

“Because I haven’t fucked your mouth or your pussy in weeks, Avery. Your Daddy has needs, and you’ve been neglecting him.”