Another school year has started. A new set of giggling girls clamoring to get seats in the front row because their sorority sisters have told them about me. I look down the row and pick a petite blonde who looks to be about twenty. I smirk and wink at her, watching as she creams her panties right there in front of everyone.

You would think after the last few years here at Danville University, they would have gotten the hint. But sadly, all the brains in the world can’t slow down their libido.

At first, the thrill of the chase kept me going. I’ve never been the monogamous type. After spending almost a year with Stephanie, I have everything I’ve ever wanted: a tenured position and plenty of girls to choose from. I know it’s wrong to sleep with students, but the sense of danger of being caught or getting fired for an illicit affair with a student was addiction. But that also soon lost is flair. Now, the girls who enter my classes have come to expect it. Fucking a generic schoolgirl is easy, but having someone to call me “Daddy” in a sweet little voice is what I desire more than anything.

Shaking my head, I bring my thoughts back to the present to begin class.

“If you will open your syllabus, we can review what I expect from each of you this semester. I know this is Math for Liberal Arts, but don’t expect this class to be a cake walk.” I listen to the pages rustle as I continue. “I will hold study session every Friday afternoon with my TA. Office hours are on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from ten a.m. until noon. I’ll also be available by appointment.”

I pause and look around the room, waiting to see if anyone has questions. I stop once and make eye contact with a set of sultry hazel eyes. She smirks at me, brings her pen to her luscious lips, and wraps her tongue around the tip.

Oh, this one is going to be trouble.

I break eye contact with her and continue going over the syllabus.

“If no one has questions, I’ll see you all again on Thursday.”

There is a slight pause before everyone packs up their things and heads toward the door. I turn toward my desk and do the same until I hear my name being called.

“Dr. Jacobs.”

I turn to see the beauty from the restaurant a few weeks ago standing before me. She’s also the same student who made me wonder what she could do with that tongue of hers wrapped around my cock instead of her pen.

“What can I do for you, Ms.…” I pause, unsure of her name.

“Just call me Avery. We’re way beyond pleasantries. Don’t you remember me?”

I can see the hope in her eyes. I rub the back of my neck, sincerely hoping I never fucked her. I would remember someone like her, but I’m certain we’ve never slept together.

“I apologize, Avery, but as beautiful as you are, I don’t have any recollection of meeting you before.”

Her smile drops immediately, and she fidgets nervously. “It’s alright. I was a mousy young girl back then. I’m all grown up now.”

“I bet you are.” I can’t help but look her up and down, appreciating her curves.

Her cheeks darken in embarrassment.

“Was there something you needed, Avery?”

I inhale deeply as her scent delicious scent fills the air, and my cock hardens. There’s something about this girl I can’t place. One thing is for sure. I didn’t fuck her. That I’d remember.

Every muscle in my body constricts and my breath hitches in my chest as I resist the urge to reach out and pull her against me. Her long blonde hair shimmers in the sunlight coming through the window, casting a warm glow around her.

She’s an angel.

I shake my head. I have no idea what’s come over me. I usually have more control over myself. The giggling schoolgirls never do it for me, but this girl has trouble written all over her. My mouth waters as images of her gorgeous body laid out before me, ready for me to feast upon her luscious skin, filter through my mind.

“Yeah. Right. I-I’m not the b-best at math. I-I was wondering if there was a sign-up for tutoring,” Avery stutters.

“Why don’t we wait and see how you do on your first exam?”

“I would really like for you to tutor me, personally, Sam.” Avery places her hand on my arm, drawing herself closer toward me. “I almost forgot. You don’t like being called Sam, do you?”

“No, I don’t.” I clench my jaw shut, attempting to reign in my desire for her and forcing myself to take a step back.

How did she know that?