It’s been weeks. Actual fucking weeks since Avery decided not to come home with me after filing a complaint against Alec with the Discipline Committee. He hasn’t shown up to class, so I can only assume some kind of action was taken against him.

I’d ask Avery, but she hasn’t been to class either. She’s gotten the notes from people in class and completed all the assessments in the testing lab.

I haven’t seen one hair on her head since I showed up at her sorority house, ready to reclaim her and take her home.

She’s the first girl who’s had me tangled up in knots, and there’s only one person I know who can help: Julian.

After my last class of the day, I trek across campus to the Arts and Humanities building where Julian’s office is located. His door is open, but I knock anyway.

“What?” he snaps from behind his desk.

“Someone seems to be in a bad mood,” I tease as I enter his office and make myself comfortable in the chair across from his desk.

He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. Within a few minutes, he’s unloading on me, telling me all about Meghan, the student he’s been seeing.

His predicament is one I know all too well, because I’m going through the exact same thing.

“My friend, you are good and fucked,” I respond, resting my arms on the edge of the desk.

The poor bastard is in love. Julian is a beast of a man and I never thought I’d see anyone tame him, but clearly Meghan has domesticated him.

“What do you think Stephanie is playing at, Samuel?”

It seems as if my ex has been giving him trouble, too. Stephanie’s antics are downright laughable. I can’t believe how desperate she is to sink her claws into Julian.

“If I know anything about Stephanie, it’s that she is vain. She does not take kindly to being insulted. You not falling at her feet is an insult. She is prepared to do anything.”

I want to tell him to run. Drop the girl, go back to England, and plow his dick into as many women as possible. But I can tell from his pained expression that breaking up with Meghan isn’t really an option. His love for her is clear the entire time he’s talking about his relationship with her.

I instantly compare it my relationship with Avery. So much of what he’s feeling, what he’s saying…I could say all those things about Avery.

And then I realize it. I’ve been running away from my own feelings for so long, I didn’t even recognize what was happening.

I’ve fallen in love.

The man who doesn’t do love is knee-deep in it.

Abruptly, I stand up, because I should go. I should beat down Avery’s door and make her talk to me.

I give Julian a friendly pat on the back before heading to the door.

“You’ll find her, Samuel. Probably when you least expect it.”

“Someday is already here, my friend,” I tell him before I slip out into the hallway.

My phone alerts me to a new email and I see Avery’s name pop up. Immediately, I swipe my thumb across the screen, and it opens.

Dear Samuel,

I’m sure this isn’t how you thought things would end between us. It’s not the ending I imagined either. But I think it’s best if we just call it quits. You fulfilled every fantasy I’ve ever had, and that’s more than enough to last a lifetime.

After Alec’s assault, I started thinking about our relationship differently, and I realized I want something you’ll never be able to give me. It’s something I’ve wanted for probably my whole life. Maybe I’ll find it eventually.

It was fun while it lasted, but some things just aren’t meant to be.
