She gives me another sweet smile. “I’ll submit it for you, and they’ll start investigating. It may be a few days before you hear anything.”

“Okay,” I murmur. “Thank you.”

Instead of returning to Samuel’s penthouse, I head back to the sorority house. It’s been a few days, and I’m sure they have questions. A few of the girls are home and while they throw surprised glances my way, no one says anything to me.

The only ones who bother to talk to me are Izzy and Hailey.

“Are you okay?” Hailey asks, plopping herself down onto my bed.

“I’m fine,” I tell them. “Nothing catastrophic happened.”

“A lot of the girls have questions, but they totally respect your privacy,” Izzy says.

I snort. “Sure they do.”

Hailey frowns. “Don’t dismiss us, Avery. We’ve been here for you since day one.”

“I’m sorry.”

I tell them about filing a report with the Discipline Committee and that they might be interviewed.

“We’ll tell them whatever you want us to,” Izzy says with a careful look.

“What do you mean?”

“Everyone saw Dr. Jacobs come here and pick you up. It was something straight out of a romance novel. The way he just burst into the house and marched up the stairs to your room.”

They both literally swoon, and their eyes glaze over. I roll my eyes. Such drama queens. If they only knew what Samuel was really like.

“And then the way he carried you down the stairs like some knight in shining armor?” Hailey adds. “So romantic.”

“Samuel is hardly romantic,” I grumble.

“Still,” Izzy insists. “We won’t mention him if you don’t want us to.”

They share a concerned look. Considering Samuel’s notorious reputation on campus, I suspect their silence is more to cover their asses than mine.

Our girl talk is interrupted by a loud commotion downstairs. We all scramble from my room and down the stairs.

Samuel is in the middle of the foyer, his eyes blazing with annoyance and anger.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, pushing through the group of girls who’ve gathered around him.

“I told you to call me when you were done. It’s been hours and I haven’t heard a word,” he barks.

I’m taken slightly aback. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t keeping track of the time.”

“And what are you doing here? I thought you were staying with me.”

There’s a little gasp from the girls still gawking at our very public display. I look around, unsure of what to do.

“I thought it was best to stay here,” I tell him. “In case the Discipline Committee calls.”

He shakes his head. “No, Avery. You belong with me. Pack a bag and let’s go.”

Normally, my anger would flare. Normally, I would fight him because how dare he just barge in here and start making demands.

But then I think about the kiss he gave me before I left this morning. It was so tender, so unlike anything we’ve ever shared. And now he’s here, in front of all my sorority sisters, publicly declaring that I belong to him.