I nod. “Oh yeah, baby. But I promise I’ll never let them hurt you.”

The bastard who hurt Avery? He’s a different story.

My hands flex with rage. I can’t wait to get my hands on Alec.

I stand up and hold out my hand. “Let me take care of you.”

She slips her hand into mine, and I pull her to her feet. I help her remove the remains of her t-shirt, which I toss in the garbage, and then she shimmies out of her pants and underwear. They end up in the same place as the shirt. I’ll buy her a new outfit.

The black ink is still all over her body.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt out. “I shouldn’t have been so extreme with you.”

She runs her hand across her belly.

“I belong to you,” she says softly. “I won’t ever forget it.”

“Yes, but there are other ways to get the point across.”

I open a cabinet in the bathroom and remove a bottle of coconut oil. She shoots me a glance.

“I think this will help get rid of the ink.”

I grab a washcloth, pour out a little of the oil, and slowly wipe away my crude markings.

“You can report him,” I tell Avery quietly. “He assaulted you. You can report him to the campus police, and he’ll face consequences from the Discipline Committee.”

“He’ll just tell them all about us,” she answers. “Plus, my sorority sisters saw you too.”

“They won’t talk,” I reassure her, though I can’t mention I’ve probably slept with half of them, which is why they won’t tattle. “And even if Alec says something to the Discipline Committee, it’s his word against ours. He doesn’t have any proof.”

I turn her and gently wipe away more of the black marker. The cloth in my hand is totally ruined and the ink is still there, faintly. I open up the shower door and turn on the spray full blast. It only takes a few minutes to heat.

“Come on, let’s finish getting you cleaned up,” I say as I lead her under the water.

I pour a generous amount of body wash onto my hand and begin to methodically clean her.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Avery murmurs.

I sigh. “You have to report him, Avery. And if you don’t, I will.”

“I don’t want you to lose your position.”

“If I do, so what? He can’t get away with hurting you. I may be rough and barbaric, but I’d never hurt you. I’d never take something from you unless you willingly gave it to me. If you don’t report him, he could hurt someone else.”

She looks down at her toes and gnaws on her bottom lip.

“Okay,” she says at last.