“Careful, Avery. You’re drooling.” Izzy whispers in my ear.

I slam my mouth shut, and my cheeks pink with embarrassment. “I was not.”

“Yes, you were. Have you finally found a man who will defrost your frigid heart?”

My friends all look at me in wonder. I contemplate her question for a few minutes, my mind drifting back to the summer a few years ago when the perfect man rejected me.

“I wouldn’t say my heart, but I wouldn’t mind taking his cock for a ride. I’m tired of going through so many batteries.”

The girls cackle loudly as a shiver runs down my spine. I turn to find the object of my affection staring at us, eyebrow raised and a sexy smirk on his face.

“Looks like someone may have an admirer as well,” one of the girls says between giggles.

I shake my head in response. “You all need to get your heads out of the gutter. Now let’s finish eating. I have better things to do than sit around here with you ladies and lament about my lack of a sex life.”

My statement brings a fresh round of laughter from my friends, but I take one final glance over my shoulder. The mystery man is still staring at me over the hostess stand.

The next few days are a whirlwind of activity as we all go back to life as we know it. Classes begin at Danville as the fun of summer ends, but I can’t stop myself from searching for the mystery man from the restaurant.

On Tuesday, I hit the jackpot when I walk into Math for Liberal Arts. My advisor told me to take it. He said it was the easiest of all my choices, and I reluctantly registered for it. Math is my least favorite subject, and I always manage to just barely pass.

But the Adonis standing in the front of the lecture hall might just change everything. I slide into a seat in the back and stare. The dark-haired man writing his name on the white board is the same one I saw in the restaurant on Sunday. And he’s also the man who’s starred in my fantasies for the last few years.

Hello, Samuel Jacobs. I am pleased to make your reacquaintance.

As he turns to address us, a new plan hatches in my mind. This time, I’m determined not to let him get away. Samuel Jacobs is the dick of my dreams, and I won’t be rejected a second time.