My arms tremble from the weight of my body. I’m not exactly sure what just happened or what is going to happen next. Samuel gave me what I wanted. He took my virginity. There were no promises of anything more than sex between us, and I want—no, deserve—more than just a quick fuck.

I hiss as I feel him pull out and an awkward silence fills the gazebo. I don’t know what I expected to change after he fucked me. Obviously, the things he said in the heat of the moment were just words to keep the mood going.

Not wanting to prolong the awkwardness, I step off the bench and search for my panties.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Samuel asks.

I turn, finding my panties clasped in his hand.

“To bed. Now, if I could have my underwear, please.” I hold out my hand and wait patiently for him to place them in it.

“These belong to me, just like your pussy.” A devilish smirk crosses his face.

I take my outstretched hand and pull it back to my side, balling it into a fist. “I’m not exactly sure where having sex with me meant I belonged to you, Samuel.”

I’m a person with thoughts and feelings. Although right now, I’m a jumbled mess of emotions. Samuel told me I’d belong to him the moment we had sex, but he wants nothing more from me. He can’t give me his heart, the one thing that I didn’t know I desired until this moment.

“I told you that once I fucked your pussy, it was mine, and you agreed, Avery.” Samuel takes a step closer to me. “What Daddy wants, Daddy gets.”


I want to be loved like I’ve always yearned for. I want Samuel to love me unconditionally. For his need for me to drive him to the point of madness that only I can cure. I want to be cherished and cared for, be treated like a piece of ass. Someone to call when you have a particular itch to scratch. I’m not, nor will I be, his whore.

Anger burns through my veins as my hand balls into fist at my side.

“Fuck you, Samuel!” I shout before pulling my hand back and smacking him in the face.

The loud smacking sound echoes throughout the tiny gazebo.

“I’m not a piece of property. I’m a person with thoughts and feelings. I gave my virginity to you, but that was a mistake I won’t make again.”

I quickly turn and head toward my sorority house before he can see any of my tears fall. He doesn’t come after me or even call my name. I’m not surprised, but it still hurts to know that what happened between us was nothing more than a quick fuck to him.

I barely make it up to my room before I break down. I let my emotions flow freely as I head into the bathroom to wash away any memories of tonight. I turn on the hot water and take a seat on the toilet, not even bothering to undress. The cool toilet seat feels good against my aching core.

As steam fills the room, memories of what happened between Samuel and I flash before my eyes like an internal movie. It wasn’t the sweet and sensual first encounter every girl wants for their first time, but it was exactly what I wanted. His raw passion for me was rolling off him in waves.

“If only it was more than just sex,” I whisper into the steam-filled bathroom as I stand and undress before stepping into the shower. “Time to return to reality. What’s done is done, Avery. You got what you wanted. Now it’s time to accept the consequences.”

After giving myself a pep talk, I take a deep breath and wash away all memories of my one and only time with Samuel.

After a fitful night of sleep, I’m dragging on my way to class this morning. I’d be lying if I said I wanted to go to class today. I ache in places I didn’t know possible from Samuel’s rough treatment last night, but I also have to face him today, which is something I didn’t even think about before I woke up this morning.

Luckily, it’s my only class for the day. I can get it done and over with and then go straight home to wallow in self-pity. There is an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in the freezer calling my name.

As I enter the Math building, I hear my name being shouted and internally cringe.

“As if today could get any worse,” I mumble to myself before plastering on a fake smile.

“Hey, Avery.” Alec throws his arm over my shoulder and ushers me toward the classroom.

I resist the urge to throw his arm off. “Hey. What has you so chipper this morning?”

“Any time I see your smiling face is a reason to smile.”

I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes in response. “That’s so sweet. Unfortunately, I’ve never been a morning person.”