Alec is the literal definition of a perfect gentleman. Tonight is date number two, and when I open the door, he’s standing on the porch of the sorority house dressed like he’s ready to meet my parents. Neatly pressed khakis, a wrinkle-free navy-blue plaid shirt with the sleeves expertly rolled up his forearms and a bouquet of pink roses in his hand.

“Are those for me?” I ask stupidly as I wave him inside.

He holds out the plastic wrapped flowers toward me and I accept them with a guilty smile.

“Thank you so much,” I murmur.

I do not deserve this kind of treatment. I’ve done dirty things that he probably wouldn’t even dream about doing. My fantasies are pure filth, and Alec is clean and wholesome.

I excuse myself and run into the kitchen to put the roses in water. A search through the cabinets yields more than one clear vase. I pick one, pluck it from the shelf, and hastily fill it with water before plunking the roses down into it. I don’t even bother with trimming the stems, removing the plastic wrap, or sprinkling that stupid flower food into the water.

“Ready?” I ask, entering the foyer, where Alec is still stoically standing.

“Absolutely,” he says with the most genuine smile. “How about the fondue restaurant in the center of town? It’ll be a little quieter and the light isn’t nearly as bright.”

“Oh. You’ve been there?”

“My parents took me there at the start of the semester.”

I roll my eyes. How clean cut can this guy really get? I quickly chastise myself though, because Alec is giving me exactly what I want: his undivided attention. He’s clearly interested in me, and he’s done the one thing no other man has done for me. He brought me flowers. Twice.

When we arrive at the restaurant, we’re shown to a quiet table at the front with a view of the street. It’s romantic and cozy, the perfect place for a date. Alec slides his hands across the table slowly and cautiously takes hold of mine.

“Is this okay?” he asks shyly.

I grip his hand firmly. “More than okay.”

We settle into our dinner and even though Alec is shy, he’s easy to talk to, and he’s even funny.

Maybe if I were some sweet hometown girls looking for the boy-next-door type.

But I’m not.

Being loved unconditionally and cared for are definitely things I want, and Alec is definitely the man who can provide them. But I can’t help but think about what he’s packing in his pants. It’s probably just your average run-of-the-mill dick. I glance down at his hands and think about the rumor I once heard about the size of a man’s hands compared to the size of his dick.

Alec’s hands are just normal-sized.

“What’s wrong?” Alec asks suddenly.

I look up, confused. “Nothing. Why do you ask?”

“You were frowning.”

“Oh.” My eyes dart around the room as I quickly think of an excuse. “I was just thinking about the next math test.”

Alec’s lips tip up into a crooked smile. “Don’t worry, Avery. I’ve got you covered.”

I hold up my hand. We might not have a future together, but I don’t want Alec to get kicked out of Danville because I can’t study for a stupid math test.

“That was a one-time thing. I think I can do all right on my own next time.”

“Are you sure? It worked so well last time.” Alec’s eyes flick to the window and I see him sit up straighter and his face goes dark. “Speak of the devil.”

He juts his chin, and my head turns. Samuel is standing across the street, his penetrating gaze locked on us.

“What is that dude’s problem?”