Idon’t look back as I head back toward my table. I have no idea if he followed me or if he stayed there contemplating my words. Once I arrive back at the table, Alec gives me a wide smile.

“Are you all right? You were gone for a while and our food arrived.” He stands to pull my chair out for me.

“If you don’t mind, can we switch seats? The light is bright, and I think I may be coming down with a headache.” I don’t want to spend the rest of my evening staring at Samuel and his latest conquest.

“Are you sure? I can have them box up the food and take you home.”

“Oh, no, I’ll be fine. I’m having a good time and want to finish our date.”

The word “date” instantly brings a megawatt smile to his face.

“I’m enjoying our time together too. I’ll admit I was a little disappointed thinking we would have to cut our date short.” Offering me his chair, he heads back around the table and has a seat.

“I guess we need to switch these?” Alec points toward the plate sitting in front of me. “I wouldn’t mind sharing.”

“That would be great!” I give him a genuine smile before reaching for my fork and digging in. “This is amazing! You need to try it.”

I grab a forkful before reaching it across the table, ready to feed him. My checks instantly turn pink in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry. You probably want to eat it yourself instead of me feeding you like a child.”

Alec surprises me by lightly grasping my wrist, rising from the chair, and wrapping his lips around my fork. I watch as he chews before swallowing down his bite.

“You’re right. That was amazing. I don’t mind being fed. It shows how enthusiastic you are about your dinner.”

I watch as he grabs his own fork and scoops up a mouthful for me. “Want to try this?”

Without a second thought, I lean over and take his fork between my lips. Within seconds of taking that bite, I hear a loud curse from behind me.

“What the hell is wrong with you tonight, Samuel?”

I don’t dare turn around to see the look of pure venom coming from Samuel. I can feel the heat of his stare on my back.

Alec is oblivious. “Isn’t that our math professor?”

“I’m not sure, but if it is, his date doesn’t sound thrilled with him at the moment.”

“Oh, I doubt he’s on a date. The woman with him is the head of the English department. I see them having dinner every couple of weeks. They’re probably just meeting to discuss students. They’re both advisors, after all.”

“Hmm…” is the only response I can muster.

This new bit of information doesn’t change my decision to forget Samuel, but it does pique my interest. If he wasn’t on a date, I wonder why he didn’t say anything to me. Maybe they’re something more than colleagues.

“Are you sure you’re all right? I don’t mind leaving if you have a headache.” Alec reaches over and gives my hand a squeeze. “We can just consider it a rain check.”

I think about it for a few moments. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” I plaster a shy smile on my face while reaching up to rub my temple. “My head really is bothering me. I should take some medicine and call it an early night.”

“Of course I don’t mind. Let me get the check and have someone box up our dinners.”

“Thank you for understanding. I promise I won’t blow you off.”

Alec just smiles and pushes back from the table in search of the server. It doesn’t take long before he returns with a server to box up our dinners.

“I already took care of the check. Once she’s finished, we can head out of here and I’ll walk you home.”

I open my mouth to protest, but he places a finger on my lips, halting any type of rebuttal I may have.