What the hell is happening?

My hands clench the sheets beside me as shockwaves of pleasure shoot through my core. I bite down on my bottom lip, pumping one finger in and out before slipping in another.

“Please. Please,” I whine, as if there is some unknown force in control of my body. “Samuel.”

I imagine that he commands my body, bringing pleasure beyond anything I could ever imagine. My fingers hit the electric spots over and over until my body tenses and trembles, and then I release with a whimper.

Fuck, was that an orgasm? If it was, I definitely want another one, and I know without a doubt that a man like Samuel Jacobs will make me feel a million times better.

And that’s when I hatch my plan…

The next morning, I’m at my post ready and waiting, hoping he’ll walk back through the gate. Every time I hear it creak open, my head pops up. At long last, he finally makes his appearance.

It almost feels like déjà vu as he hands me his room key and I ask him how many towels he’d like. This time, I slide a small piece of paper between the towels. It’s a bold move, but fortune favors the bold. Or, at least that’s what I saw on a meme once.

“Have a good day, Sam,” I say as I hand him the towels.

“Thanks, and it’s Samuel.”

There’s a hint of a lopsided smile on his lips as he looks back before he turns back to the pool. A statuesque blonde woman in the black bikini and the matching black sunhat follows closely behind him.

“Lucky bitch,” I mumble as burning jealous takes root.

Is this his girlfriend? His wife?

Wait. I didn’t see a wedding ring, so girlfriend it is.

I’m not sure how much time passes; my mind is focused completely on Samuel. I’m practically giddy with excitement, wondering what he thought about my brave decision to give him my number, hoping he’ll call or text while he’s lounging in the sun.

Dear God, I pray. Please let me lose my virginity to this man!

It seems completely irrational, I know, but there is something about Samuel that calls to me. A thread linking the two of us together, growing tighter and tighter with each passing moment. I’m just waiting for it to snap. I’ve never been interested in anyone, so who better to give my virginity to than this delicious specimen of a man? It can be a summer fling. The perfect story to tell my friends when I go back to school.

It’s a win for both of us. I lose my virginity and he can add another virgin to what I’m sure is a long-running tally of woman.

I’m lost in thought until I hear the unmistakable sound of a man clearing his voice.

“Have a good swim?” I try to ask casually, but inside, my stomach is a riot of emotions.

There he is, looking so damn sexy. Instead of his deliciously bare chest with water running down it, he’s wearing a t-shirt. I’m a little disappointed, but it hugs his body, outlining his muscled chest. He’s also wearing a frown, and when I see the little slip of white in his hand, I know why.

“It was fine,” he says tersely. “I think you misplaced this.”

He slaps the paper down on the counter and removes his sunglasses, revealing an intense set of green eyes.

“But in case you didn’t, I’m not into jailbait. And if I was, I’m also currently in a relationship.”

He looks toward the woman who followed him toward the pool earlier. She looks too perfect to have been in the water. Her lips are still perfectly red and not a single strand of hair is out of place. Her black sunhat covers most of her face, but I can clearly see the daggers she’s throwing in my direction.

Samuel walks away, but the woman lingers, letting her perfectly manicured nails trail on the counter.

“You’re pathetic,” she hisses, narrowing her eyes in my direction. “A man like Samuel would never sleep with a desperate little girl like you. So, why don’t you do yourself a favor, sweetie? Lower your expectations.”

Never, I promise myself as I watch her walk away.

If I can’t have Samuel, then I’ll save myself for a man just like him.