“Are you really going out with a guy from your math class?” Izzy mumbles through her mouthful of chips.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” I respond before holding another outfit up to my body in front of my mirror.

“I don’t know why you’re even trying this hard. The boy probably hasn’t gone on a date before, let alone with someone as hot as you.” Hailey plops down on my bed next to Izzy and steals her bag of chips.

Finally deciding on the jean mini skirt and a button-down shirt, I answer them.

“First, it’s not a date. He helped me study for my last math exam, and I told him I’d take him to dinner. Second, get the hell off my bed! I don’t want crumbs on my sheets.”

Izzy throws a pillow at me before climbing out of bed. “For it not being a date, you seem a little too concerned with how you look.”

“Yeah, Iz is right. What gives, Avery? You never go out and spend more time holed up in your room than you do dating the opposite sex.” Hailey brushes the crumbs off her shirt directly onto my bed.

“I told you to stop eating on my bed!” I grab her bag of chips as I walk past them and head into the bathroom. “I have to shower and change before heading to the restaurant. Unless you want to watch me shower, I suggest you vacate my room.”

“We know when we aren’t wanted. Come on, Iz. Let’s leave Her Royal Highness to get ready for her date.”

“I said it wasn’t a date!” I shout as they close my bedroom door.

I can hear their laughter from the other side. With a shake of my head, I strip.

Being in a sorority has taken some time to get used to. As an only child, I’m used to getting whatever I want. Sharing my space has always been a struggle, and while I adore Izzy and Hailey, they are absolute slobs.

I turn on the shower, and the bathroom fills with steam as my mind wanders back to the conversation I had with Samuel before leaving school.

“I’m not playing games with Alec. We’re just two classmates going out to have dinner. Nothing special. It’s not like it’s a date,” I say to my hazy reflection in the mirror.

I may have implied differently to Samuel, but he doesn’t want me. He has made it perfectly clear that although he gave me an amazing orgasm after class that day, there will be nothing else between us.

Shaking my head, I turn from my reflection and climb into the shower.

This may not be a date, but this will be a moment that I remember from this day forward. The day I finally let my Mister Perfect go and settle for second best.

“Welcome to Fiagro,” the doorman says as he holds the door open for me.

“Thank you.”

I step inside and scan the restaurant for Alec. Checking my watch, I see it’s five minutes to seven. I expected him to be here already. When I don’t find him already seated, I head toward the hostess stand.

The petite girl looks up at me with a smile. “How can I help you?”

“I’m meeting a friend here, but I don’t see him. Can you check to see if Alec Sommers has arrived yet?”

She scans the list in front of her before making a check mark on her list. “He requested some privacy. We seated him in the back corner. Very romantic. Would you like for me to take you to your seat?”

I look down and notice her name tag. Dawn is typed out in bold black print.

“That won’t be necessary, Dawn.”

She gives me a conspiratorial look as she turns to address the next customer in line.

He must have taken this more seriously than I planned.

Once I step into the restaurant, I notice Alec immediately. He must notice me at the same time, because he stands, pulling the chair out for me to sit in when I arrive. As I get closer to the table, I notice he’s dressed to impress in a pair of crisp black pants and a white button-down.

“Hello. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long,” I say as I take the offered seat.