Me: What do you mean tomorrow? My muscles are tightening up as we speak.

Samuel: Listen to me and take them.

I break out into a devious smile as I type out my response.

Me: Yes, sir. I’m running a bath as I type this message. Wanna see?

Without waiting for a response, I head into the bathroom and start the water. After a couple minutes, the tub fills and I snap a picture. As I open the message and attached the pictures, there is a response waiting for me.

Samuel: Behave, dirty girl. Someone wants to be punished again.

Samuel: Tease.

I plop down on the edge of my bed again, waiting to see if he has anything else to say. This is the point in the conversation where I can keep making small talk or wait to see if he messages me back again.

“Put on your big girl panties, Avery.” I give myself a pep talk before typing out one final message.

Me: Thank you for caring about me. No one has been worried about me for a long time.

I carry my phone into the bathroom and strip out of my clothing. Once my clothes are in a neat pile on the bathroom floor, I reach in to check the water. Satisfied with the temperature, I shut the water off and climb in. Keeping the hand with my phone high above the water, I settle in. A groan escapes from my lips as the warm water relaxes my aching muscles.

My phone chimes again, the screen illuminating to show the incoming message.

Samuel: My need to care for you is becoming uncontrollable. Don’t forget to take some painkillers before bed.

Me: I promise, Samuel.

I pause for a few moments, waiting to ensure another message doesn’t come across the screen. Just as I lean out of the tub to place my phone safely on the floor, it chimes again.

Samuel: You’re trouble, little girl. Have a good rest of the day.

Me: You too.

I stare at the blank screen. Confused doesn’t even come close to explaining what I am feeling right now. Deciding to put any more thoughts of Samuel out of my head for a few hours, I open my contacts and save his number.

I can’t very well put his name as my contact, just in case.

After thinking for a few minutes, inspiration strikes. I type his contact name in, my smile growing bigger with each letter. Finally, Daddy stares back at me in bold lettering. Probably not the best thing to label him as in my phone, but no one would guess that was his number by looking at it.

I drop my phone on the bathroom mat before sinking down into the warm water, all the way to my chin. A groan escapes from my lips as the water loosens my aching muscles. However, as soon as my muscles relax, my core aches with need.

I guess plans of forgetting about Samuel are out the window. Not wanting to waste any more time, images of our time in the classroom fill my mind and my hand makes its way slowly down my body before I reach the promised land.