Avery is clearly up to something. She bombed the quiz following our little encounter, as expected, but ever since then a fire has been lit under her ass. Apparently, the motivation of being able to ride my cock is enough to get her to try harder.

During the next few class periods, she is very attentive and takes diligent notes. Even my TA says she’s been taking part more in the group study sessions. But I know women—correction, girls—like her. They use sex to manipulate men to get what they want. I hate women like that, but Avery does something to me, which means I’m going to have to train her not to be a manipulative bitch.

What am I saying? Train her? I won’t keep her around. I’m just going to fuck her for a little while and it will be over. We will both get what we want and move on. I don’t do relationships.

My mind instantly drifts to my ex, Stephanie. Although she was a manipulative bitch, she acted like the perfect submissive. Unfortunately, deep down, she was insecure. When I tried to break up with her, she promised to get me a job at the prestigious Danville University. I’m not proud of the way I used her to advance my career, but when I arrived at Danville, she turned into an entirely different person. Suddenly, she had all the power. She wanted to be the top in our relationship and that is not how I work. My role as a Daddy dominant isn’t about power and control. It’s about testing limits and making my partner feel safe. It’s about protection. Stephanie just didn’t get that.

Something tells me Avery was born to submit. She talks shit and struts around campus like she owns the place, but her need is consuming her. She needs someone who will tame her.

But I won’t be fooled again. I know Avery is planning something; I just have to wait and find out what the something is.

When the testing window opens, I watch the sign-ups like a hawk. I carefully note what time and day she registers for, and then I wait.

On the day of her scheduled test, I find a dark corner of the testing center and hide. I wait for her to show up, but she never does. I do, however, spot her little friend Alec, and when he leaves, I check the score reporting system.

Sure enough, Avery’s name appears, and she’s miraculously earned an A.

I continue to act as if I have no idea what Avery has done, but deep down I am seething with anger every time she flashes me a shy smile during class. I need to think of the proper course of action on how to handle this situation as well.

I can report her to the ethics committee for cheating for obvious reasons. Yes, she violated the honor code, but I could get fired for the things we’ve done, as well as for the proposition I gave her, so that is out of the question.

After about two weeks of planning, all the exams have been graded and I’ve finally come up with a suitable punishment. I send Avery an email and let her know she’s to arrive promptly at ten a.m. for my office hours the following day so we can discuss her test scores. I don’t give her any other information.

She arrives promptly at ten a.m., signaling her arrival with a light knock on the door.

“Come in,” I say in a commanding voice, leaving no room for error.

She immediately opens the door. The bright smile she had on her face immediately drops once she enters the door and notices my stern expression.

“I thought you would be proud of me,” she whispers, hanging her head in shame.

“Proud of you for cheating?” I growl, barely raising my voice.

Her head snaps up. A shocked expression covers her face as tears pool in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Samuel.” She reaches for me, but I take a step back out of her reach.

Her hand drops back to her side.

“Since you want to act like a child, I’m going to treat you like one.” I head toward the side of my desk and point at the grains of rice spread along the floor. “You are going to kneel here until the end of my office hours. Straight. On your knees. At a ninety-degree angle.”

Avery steps toward me, her eyes flicking between me and the grains on the floor.

“This is your punishment, Avery. It’s not supposed to be easy.” I lick my lips as images of her on her knees taking her punishment like a good girl fill my mind. “You don’t have to do it, you know. You can walk out the door and take a zero for the test. The decision is yours.”

We aren’t in a relationship. We haven’t had any type of discussion about punishments or limits, but I need something to force her away. I want this to scare her, to send her running as far away from me as possible. My need for her is growing by the minute, and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to tell her no for much longer.

“But rice?” Avery pulls her lip between her teeth, trying to decide if the punishment is worth it.

“Yes, rice. Believe me, it isn’t as easy as you may think. Especially if you’re doing it for two hours.”

“What if someone comes in?” she questions as she gets into position to kneel.

“From the position of the door, no one can see you. Besides, no one comes to office hours after a test.”

“Okay,” is her only response as she kneels on the rice.