“Samuel?” Her voice breaks me from my internal musings.

This is always the part that I hate: afterward.

“Avery, I’m your professor. What we just did, although fun, was a one-time thing. I don’t sleep with students.” I attempt to give her an apologetic smile.

“Oh, thank heavens. I’m glad things won’t be weird now.” A bright smile covers her face. “Are there going to be any extra study sessions before the quiz next week besides Thursday?”

What the hell just happened?

“I hadn’t planned on it, but I’m sure there will be other students who would like to study more. You’re more than welcome to form a study group.”

“Awesome! Thanks so much, Samuel.”

“No problem, Avery. See you Thursday.”

With a smile and wave over her shoulder, she’s gone in a matter of seconds.

To say the rest of my day is strange is an understatement. My lectures go fine, as usual, but I can’t seem to get my encounter with Avery out of my head.

She seems to be everywhere. In the quad while she’s having lunch with a friend. In between classes. It’s as if my desire for her keeps conjuring her out of thin air.

However, the most peculiar meeting is after my last lecture at the end of the day.


I turn to find Avery standing in front of my office door.

“I was hoping you would come back here before the end of the day. Can we talk?”

I give her a quizzical look, but nod before unlocking the door and ushering her in. I head around my desk and take a seat.

“I was wondering if I could have the notes from today’s class.”

She’s embarrassed, that much I can tell, but she is also rubbing her legs together. The smell of her arousal immediately fills my nostrils, causing my cock to swell.

“What would you need the notes for, Avery?” I ask, knowing exactly why, but wanting her to tell me.

“Do you honestly need me to explain to you what happened?”

Leaning back in my chair, I put my feet up on my desk and adjust my cock. Avery’s eyes fill with heat as she bites her lip.

“I don’t need you to, but I would love it if you did,” I tell her.

She breathes quickly, almost panting with her desire. “I wanted you to watch me come and couldn’t get all the notes for class. I really don’t want to fail.”

I reach into my bag, grab the folder marked Math for Liberal Arts, and hand it over to her.

“Thank you, Samuel.” She stands and heads toward the door.

“Avery? Do you have any panties on right now?”

“No.” She doesn’t even turn around.

I groan, throwing my right arm over my eyes. This girl is going to be the death of me. My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest as my need for her takes root. A primal need to bend this girl over my desk and have my way with her. I want her more than I’ve wanted anything in my life. And that terrifies me. I shake my head, palming my cock with my hand under my desk while trying to focus on all the ways fucking Avery is a bad idea.

“Is that a bad thing, Samuel?”

“It is for my sanity. Goodnight, Avery.”

“Goodnight, Samuel.”

I don’t bother to look up as I hear the door open and quietly shut. I have to wait a few moments for my cock to behave before I can leave my office. However, a visit to the local club is definitely in the cards for tonight. I need to fuck this girl out of my system as soon as possible.