Sometimes, being a morally conscious prick is hard. But it’s the right thing to do, no matter how much I ache to be inside Meghan one more time. I never get involved with my colleagues, and I’d certainly never sleep with a student. Even a TA.

Still, something feels off about this whole situation.

It’s regret. I don’t have many, but when it comes to the way I spoke to Meghan and the way I cruelly cast aside her needs for the sake of my own, I wish I could do it all again.

Stephanie keeps calling, but I send them all right to voicemail. The way she acted was utterly unprofessional. She should be reported to the Board of Directors for sexual harassment, but what’s the point? I’m not a permanent faculty member. I’m merely a guest here to enlighten the minds of Danville University’s freshman class.

Even with all the distractions, I teach one more class before the end of my first official day. The Bard always has a way of soothing my soul.

So does having a beautiful woman whisper “yes, Daddy” as I drive my cock deep into her.

I shake my head. Fuck.

There are only two things that can purge me of these desires: whiskey and pounding the pavement.

Since Americans know fuck-all about the former, I choose the latter.

The quaint New England town of Danville exists only because of the university, so the campus and the city center are one and the same. With my trainers firmly tied, I set off for a run.

But it’s no use. I can’t shake Meghan from my thoughts. It’s as if she’s with me wherever I go. It’s almost as if she’s right in front of me.

I nearly trip as I come to a halt, because Meghan is in front of me, a few meters away, stumbling from the front door of a brick Victorian with some prick chasing her.

“Wait! Don’t go!” he calls out, reaching for her. His hand closes around her arm, and he pulls, spinning her. “I’m sorry, okay?”

“No, it’s not okay!” she screeches as she swats his hand away. “Don’t fucking touch me, you perv!”

“Oy!” I yell, sprinting toward them. “What’s the problem?”

Meghan covers her face with her hands. “Oh, Jesus. Can’t a girl catch a break?”

“Hey, mind your business, Dumbledore.”

Dumbledore? What the fuck? This wanker certainly wants his arse beat, but one glance toward Meghan, and I see tears streaming down her cheeks. Sod it.

“She is my business.”

I approach her slowly, but she grunts with frustration and stomps away.

“Just get the fuck away from me, Julian!”

“Hey!” I call out, chasing her. “I just want to talk.”

She spins on her heel and faces me, her blue eyes ablaze. “Oh, now you want to talk, Dr. Armstrong? My life is a fucking mess right now, but you finally want to talk.”

I turn back toward the Victorian-style house, where there’s clearly a party happening, and spot a small crowd gathered out front.

“Just settle down. You’re obviously pissed off.”

“You’re damn right I’m pissed!”

She trips over her feet, but I’m right there to catch her before she hits the pavement. She looks up at me with a scowl and shakes herself free of my grip.

“Isn’t this how a twenty-one-year-old-girl is supposed to act, Julian?”

“Meghan, please…”