Three months later

“Megs,” I call down the hall. “Darling, I’ve got to meet up with the rest of the faculty.”

There’s a stack of mail sitting on the counter that needs sorting before we leave tomorrow. One envelope in particular catches my eye. I pluck it from the stack and see Meghan’s name printed neatly.

She steps out of the bedroom, messing with her hair. She looks bloody gorgeous. Her blonde hair cascades around her face in golden waves and her blue eyes sparkle with excitement.

“Okay,” she says as she fusses with an earring. “I’ll see you after the ceremony.”

“What’s this?” I hold up the piece of mail.

“A letter from Oxford,” she says nonchalantly.

“Clearly, little one. But I thought we agreed you were going to apply to Cambridge for grad school.”

“I was going to…” Her voice trails off as she looks around the room.


Her lips thin into a tight smile. “But I really want to study under Dr. Montrose.”

“I live in Cambridge, Meghan. How is this supposed to work if you live two and a half hours away?”

“Dr. Montrose said there’s an opening for you, if you want it.”

I scoff. “I will not give up my tenure at Cambridge for a subpar position at a subpar university. You’ll just have to tell Dr. Montrose you’ve changed your mind.”

“You’re kidding, right? Julian, I won’t give up on my dreams simply because you’re too snobbish and stubborn.”

My mouth drops and my fingers twitch. “I should take you over my knee right this second, little one.”

“But you won’t, ‘cause I’m right.”

Admittedly, she is correct. It is unfair of me to ask her to give up on something she’s wanted for years.

“Fine. I guess I can rent a flat in Oxford and make the drive. I’ll have to get you a car as well.”

“You don’t have to do that,” she says, holding up a hand. “I’ve already applied for graduate accommodations. I want to live on campus.”

“Christ, Meghan. We’re engaged to be married, but you’re planning a life without me! When were you planning on telling me this?”

Her eyes dart around the room. “I didn’t think it would be a problem, Julian. I’m sorry.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “If we don’t leave now, we’re going to be late.” I look up at her, pinning her with my gaze. “But don’t think we’re finished discussing this.”

“Okay,” she says with a nod.

And because I’m a total goner when it comes to my little one, I pull her against me.

“I’m so proud of you, little one,” I whisper, letting my fingers dance along the hem of her dress before skimming them up her thighs and teasing them across her bare pussy.

I growl with approval. Damn, I want to fuck her! I’ve kept my hands to myself during these last few weeks because we’ve both been extremely busy. Even after Meghan successfully presented and defended her capstone project to an intimidating trio of professors, I remained a saint.

I retreat, removing my hand. “If we both didn’t have someplace to be right now, your pretty pink dress would be in a pretty pink pile, and you’d be impaled on my cock.” I lean forward and brush my lips against hers. “I’ll see you after the ceremony.”