Idon’t know what Julian is waiting for, but it’s pissing me off.

Amid working on a paper for a course on Biblical women, there’s a knock on my door. I set my laptop aside and make my way to the door. Whoever this is better have pizza, because I’m starving.

When I open the door, Julian is standing there, all smoldering and handsome. My breath hitches slightly and my heart stutters. But that’s it. My excitement over seeing him is replaced with annoyance.

“Good evening,” he says with a slight nod of his head. “Can I come in?”

“Sure,” I say, opening my door wider and turning my back.

Julian’s large hand latches on to my arm and spins me.

“Don’t walk away from me, little one,” he purrs before his lips crash down on mine in a hard, hot kiss.

My hands find their way up to his chest and I push myself away, breaking our connection.

“What are you doing here?” I breathe.

“I thought it would be obvious.” His eyes follow me as I walk across the room and sit down in the armchair where I was working.

“You can’t just show up and expect me to fall into your arms simply because you’re no longer afraid of commitment.”

He sits down on my old, lumpy sofa and leans back, stretching out his arms over the back. Shit, he looks so fucking delicious. Why the hell am I resisting?

“I’d never expect that, Megs. But I assumed—”

“That I’d be a little happier to see you? I have a lot going on right now. Three papers to write, plus finishing my capstone project. Pardon me if I don’t fall at your feet.”

The muscle in his jaw tenses and his eyes narrow. “You’re walking a fine line here, little one.”

I sigh. “Just tell me why you’re here.”

“Fine. I’ve spent the last week thinking about our relationship. Now that Stephanie is gone and the disciplinary committee knows about us, we don’t need to sneak around.”

I open my mouth to reply, but he holds up a hand.

“Let me finish before you lash me with your tongue again. When I tell you you’re mine forever, I mean it. I want you by my side, in my bed, in my life, until I take my last breath. I want to marry you and eventually start a family, but not yet. All of that will happen in due time. I apologize for not telling you these things sooner, for putting us both through the hell of these last few weeks, especially when deep down, I knew all along what I wanted.”

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small red box. When he lifts the lid, a sparkling round diamond twinkles up at me.

“Marry me,” he says softly.

My heart thunders with excitement. I want to launch myself at him, smother him with kisses, and forgive him for everything, but I’ve also been doing some thinking of my own.

“I want to say yes, Julian. More than anything. But you need to give me some time.”

“How much time do you need, exactly?”

“Enough time to finish this paper on Ruth’s submission to God.”

He snorts with soft laughter before he takes my hand and slides the gold band down my ring finger.

“I’ll see you tonight, then.” He pushes to his feet, his large frame eating up the space in my small living room. “When you’re finished, come to my flat, ready to resume your role as my little one.”

I know the expected response, but I hold it inside for a moment.

“Yes, Daddy,” I finally whisper.