I’m a fucking idiot, I repeat in my head as I shut the door behind me and head toward The Horney Toad to grab a pint with Samuel.

He’s been having as rough of a go at it as I have. Who knew women were such trouble? Life was easier as a bachelor, but it was fucking lonely. Meghan makes everything worthwhile, but dear Lord, all this forever bullshit is painful. Life would be so much easier if it were black and white. I’ve always found the gray area tricky.

Meghan is mine. End of story.

I want to be with her forever. Who the fuck cares when—or if—we get married or have children? I certainly don’t. It’ll happen when it happens.

But I know that isn’t good enough for Meghan. And if I want her back, she’s going to need more.

As I walk across campus toward the pub, my mind wanders back to the disciplinary committee meeting a few weeks ago.

When I opened the door to the conference room, the three committee members all looked up at me with grim expressions, and next to them was Stephanie, looking like a smug cunt.

“Dr. Armstrong, do you have any idea why you have been summoned here today?” the head of the disciplinary committee asked.

“Don’t have the foggiest, but I’m forming one or two ideas,” I replied as I slowly took my seat across from them.

“Dr. Francis claims you’ve engaged in inappropriate behavior with one of your students. Is that true, Dr. Armstrong?”

“Yes, it’s true,” I admitted quietly.

All three members sucked in sharp breaths.

“However, my relationship with Ms. Webb began prior to my employment with Danville University.”

I reached into my bag and pulled out the folder containing all the “evidence” I might need to defend myself.

“Per my contract, I wasn’t even supposed to have a TA. However, Dr. Francis broke that contract when she assigned Ms. Webb to me.”

Stephanie pouted and batted her eyelashes. “I only have the best interest of my students in mind. Ms. Webb was in danger of not graduating and this was the only solution I could think of. If I had known about this relationship, I would never have assigned her to be your TA.”

I bit my tongue because rude things were on the tip of it, ready to trickle out. “On the first day of classes, I approached you and requested Ms. Webb’s schedule be changed. Ms. Webb even approached you and made a similar request. You denied us both.”

The three members of the committee all looked in Stephanie’s direction until one finally spoke.

“Is this true?”

Stephanie’s smile faltered. “Of course not.”

“Moving along,” the head of the committee interjected. “Dr. Francis has also filed a sexual harassment complaint against you. We gave her the option of not being present for this, but she was adamant about confronting you.”

I bet she was, I thought to myself.

“Gobshite,” I spat out. “Whatever claim she made is utter gobshite.”

“Dr. Armstrong, this is a very serious accusation.”

“I know it is! But if anyone on this campus is guilty of sexual harassment, it’s Dr. Francis.” I pushed to my feet and slammed identical packets of information in front of all three members. “Here you will find affidavits from fellow faculty and even students about Dr. Francis’s inappropriate behavior toward them. She has flirted, propositioned, and even engaged in sexual encounters with several men and women on this campus.”

I stepped back and paused for a moment, letting the three members read through the information.

“She also promised many people positions here at Danville or better grades because of said favors. If anyone should be here in front of the committee, it’s her.”

If looks could kill, I’d have been a dead man. One glance at Stephanie’s red face, and I knew I had her.

“Thank you, Dr. Armstrong. You’re dismissed.”