“Do you want a ring? Is that what this is all about? Shall I head back to London and pick you out a great, glittering diamond for your finger?”

“No! That’s not what I want.”

Not yet anyway.

“Then tell me, Meghan, because I’m fucking clueless. One minute, you think Stephanie is after us, and the next, you went to head down to the church.”

“That’s not what I’m saying, Julian. When you say I’m yours ‘forever,’ what does that mean? Until the end of the semester? The end of the year? Because to me, forever means until the end of time.”

He runs his hands through his dark hair. “I can’t tell you that, Meghan.”

My shoulders sag. “Then I shouldn’t be here.”

I look around the room and spot my suitcase, which is still packed. It’s going to cost a pretty penny to get a flight back to the States on such short notice, but I can’t stay here.

“What? You want to leave?”

I nod, willing myself not to cry. If I cry, I’m going to give in and stay and let him Daddy mind-fuck me.

“Yes, I do. I know what I want, Julian, but I don’t think you do.”

“If that’s what you want, then I’ll take you back to London in the morning.”

There’s no further discussion or argument.

We move silently around the cottage, but I can’t stand the thought of sleeping in the same bed with him. I search the room for some place to sleep and my eyes land on the sofa. It’s small and not as comfortable as a bed, but at least I’ll be warm.

Pulling the heavy throw off the end of the bed, I grab a pillow and head toward the couch.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Julian asks.

“To bed,” I respond.

Did he honestly think I would sleep in the bed with him as if nothing happened?

“I will not let you sleep on that thing all night. I’ll sleep in my old room tonight and come back in the morning to take you to the airport.”

I watch as he slips on his jeans and coat before heading into the bedroom. His heavy footsteps echo in the cottage as he moves around the living space. My entire body is tense under the duvet as I wait for the sound of the door opening and closing.

Instead, the sound of Julian’s footsteps gets closer until he appears in the doorway of the bedroom. He approaches me slowly, his expression impassive.

“Good night, little one.” He gently kisses my forehead before he turns to leave.

I breathe a heavy sigh of relief and sink into the bed, hoping for a decent night’s sleep.

In the morning, Julian places my luggage in the trunk and we drive in near silence back to London. He holds my hand the entire way.

When we arrive at Heathrow, Julian surprises me with a plane ticket.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I bought you a ticket. I’m afraid it’s not first class, though.”

“Thank you,” I tell him.

We stand on the sidewalk staring at each other for a long while until, at last, he leans forward and brushes a kiss against my cheek.

“Have a safe trip back.”

Nothing else is said between us. I can’t bring myself to watch him drive away, so I busy myself with checking in for my flight. I let the chaotic atmosphere of the airport consume me, because if I bother to stop for a moment and truly think about what I just did, then tears would start and never stop.