When Julian goes into full Daddy mode, something inside me ignites. It’s like an involuntary reaction. But I also know I’m right. I don’t buy Stephanie’s polite-as-fuck act for a minute. I’ll be on high alert from now until I’ve got my diploma firmly in hand.

“There is something I want to talk to you about,” Julian says coolly as he pulls away and crosses one long leg over the other. “When we get back, I think you should file a complaint against Stephanie.”

“You’re joking, right?” Inside, I’m screaming, because moments ago, he was telling me I had nothing to worry about.

“No, I’m not. Even though I don’t think she suspects anything, she also isn’t behaving in your best interest as your advisor. It’s borderline academic negligence.”

“I don’t want to poke the bear, Julian. I’ve already emailed Dr. Nelson and asked him if he’ll consider taking me on. I sent him the project proposal we worked on together. I know the claim of plagiarism is bogus, so I don’t think he’ll have a problem with the topic, but he rarely takes undergrads.”

Julian hums. “Well, we’ll wait to see what he says. But if he turns down your offer, we’re going to file a complaint. Don’t fight me, little one.”

I tentatively agree with his plan. We finish our coffee and snack just as our flight is called. When they call for first-class passengers, Julian stands.

“That’s us,” he says casually. “Let’s go.”

I’m stunned as I reach for his hand, and he practically drags me down the jetway and onto the plane.

“Th-this is too much,” I stammer. “You shouldn’t have spent all this money on me.”

Julian takes my carry-on from me and slides it into the space above our seats. When he turns back toward me, he grasps my chin firmly between his thumb and forefinger.

“Nonsense. Megs, you deserve this. Let me spoil you.”

He kisses me soundly, ending all discussion on this matter. I want to ask him how he can possibly afford two first-class seats on a professor’s salary, but he shuts down any questions with a dark gleam in his eye.

“It’s a long flight, little one. I want to relax and enjoy it, because the moment we land in London, I’ve got plans for you. Save your strength.”

Julian’s word is final, and any petulant thoughts I had disappear. Not long into the flight, the attendant comes around and offers to help us convert our seats into beds. Taking a nap isn’t a bad idea. I’ve had so little sleep over the last few weeks, and once I stretch out, I find it easy to drift off.

I wake up just before we begin our descent into London. Julian is still stretched out in his converted bed, but he’s awake.

“How long will it take to get to your mother’s cottage?”

His voice is soft and low as he answers. “About two hours, maybe a little longer.” He reaches across to brush his fingers across my cheek. “How was your nap?”

“Good. I’ve never slept so well on a flight before.”

He smiles brightly. “One perk of flying first class.”

“Thank you, Julian. It was a lovely surprise.”

His fingers trail lightly along my jaw and then down my neck. “I love you, Meghan. I want you to know that. I’ve never loved anyone so fiercely before.”

I lean into his touch. “I love you, too, Julian. You’ve given me back something that’s been missing for a long time.”

“And what’s that, little one?”

I hesitate before I answer. Telling him I love him is one thing, but telling him I feel so much more is daunting. When I think about my future, I can easily picture him there with me. We fit so perfectly together, in and out of the bedroom. But I have no idea if he has similar thoughts.

“Safety. Security. Family.”

Before he can respond, the pilot announces our final descent into London and the flight attendants help return our seats to their proper position. I don’t press him further, because if he sees me in his future, he’ll tell me.

When we arrive in London, there’s a lot of hurry up and wait. We rush to customs, only to wait for what seems like hours. Then we wait for our luggage, and finally the rental car. But I can’t stop thinking about Julian’s delicious warning: once we arrive in London, he’s got plans.

“Are we going right to your mother’s cottage?” I ask him as we settle into the luxury sedan he’s rented.