“And Meghan, are you going to visit your grandmother?” She turns her attention to my little one, who trembles beside me.

“Yes, I am. Dr. Armstrong was kind enough to give me a ride to the airport,” she explains.

“And now he’s buying you breakfast? How sweet.”

“Just a little gift for all her hard work this semester,” I reply.

“Well, I will leave you two to catch your flights. Enjoy your holiday and have a great break.” With a smile and a wave, Stephanie disappears into the crowd of holiday travelers.

“See, little one? There’s nothing to worry about. She was at least pleasant this time. She has no idea what’s going on. Even assumed you were going home and not somewhere with me.” I smile down at her, but her face is anything but relaxed.

“I know what I heard. She knows about us. I don’t know what she’s playing at right now, but she is up to something,” Meghan growls at me before storming toward our gate.

She has been under so much stress recently and she is tired, so I let her tantrum slide. But if she doesn’t get herself sorted by the time we get to my mum’s, she will have one sore arse.

Once I arrive at our gate, Meghan is seated in front of the wall of windows overlooking the tarmac.

“Is this seat taken?” I ask politely before easing myself into the spot next to her. “Little one, I will not hesitate to pull your knickers down and spank your delicious bottom in front of all these nice people.”

She stares at me, wide-eyed with defiance. “She doesn’t have me fooled, Julian.”

I reach over and pat her thigh.

“Let Daddy take care of this,” I murmur in her ear. “Trust me.”

She shivers and squirms, a sign that my job is done.

“Unless of course, you want to be punished.”