Icradle Meghan in my lap as I continue to explain my plan. “My mum has been begging me to come home for the holidays. Originally, I was going to stay here with you. However, considering recent events, I think we both need to get away from Danville.”

Meghan looks up at me, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

“Why?” she whispers.

“Because it’s my job to take care of you, little one, but more importantly, because I love you. You’re my world.” I brush a gentle kiss on her forehead

Meghan has no real family to speak of. Her parents both died in a car accident when she was in her teens, and her elderly grandmother is in a nursing home. She usually spends her breaks here on campus working on schoolwork. With graduation approaching, I assumed she would want to remain here.

Now that I think about it, we never discussed our holiday plans.

“Did you have other plans for the holiday break?” I reach back and rub my neck, nervous to hear her response.

“Of course not. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than with you.” She flings her arms around my neck, bringing her petite body closer to mine.

“Then it’s settled. I phoned my mum and told her to expect us. We leave tomorrow morning; I already booked our tickets.”

“What would you have done if I said no?” She leans back and gives me a questioning look.

“Spanked you until you gave me the answer I wanted. Are you allowed to tell me no, little one?”

“No, Daddy,” she answers with a seductive smile, then bites down on her bottom lip and looks up at me through her lashes. “Would you like your Christmas present early?”

My cock hardens against my trousers. I can’t imagine what she’d give me, but from the naughty gleam in her eye, there’s no doubt I’m going to enjoy it.

* * *

“Hurry, Megs, or we’ll miss our flight!” I yell down the hall for the third time before checking my watch.

The car has arrived to take us to the airport, but Meghan is still in the bedroom, double and triple checking to make sure she doesn’t leave anything behind.

As I’m about to yell for a fourth time, she comes barreling down the hall.

“Sorry! I wanted to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything. I usually have more than a few hours to pack.” She rushes past me as I reach down and give her bottom a swat.

“If you hadn’t teased me with my Christmas present while we were packing, you would have had plenty of time to pack.”

My mind drifts to the scraps of lingerie scattered across my bedroom floor, mere gift wrap for the real present Meghan gave me: her arse. We started slowly, with just a little silver plug I worked into her tightly puckered hole as I fucked her. She assumed I’d take her arse with my cock, but I’m saving that for Christmas morning. Fantasies of fucking her in front of the tree and roaring fire dance in my thoughts like naughty little sugar plums.

Merry old England, here we come, I think to myself as I lock the door to my flat.

The trip to the airport is uneventful and we arrive with plenty of time to make it through security and grab something to eat.

“I need coffee ASAP. I’m dead on my feet,” Meghan whines as we trudge through the crowd.

I want to scold her; after all, she’s part of the reason we only had a few hours to pack and sleep. I shoot her a stern look, and a blush color covers her cheeks.

“You’ll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane,” I admonish her before pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

I spot a coffee shop and guide her toward it. I booked us first-class tickets, so we should receive a full breakfast, but something to nosh on before then won’t hurt.

Just as our names are called for our order, an unexpected visitor arrives.

“Dr. Armstrong, what a surprise! I thought you were staying in town for the holiday break?” Stephanie greets us both with a warm smile that almost seems genuine.

“That was the plan, but my mum called and begged me to come home. Can’t say no to mum.” I plaster on a fake smile and wait for the claws to come out.