“Well, you and Dr. Armstrong have developed quite the working relationship,” Stephanie says as she sits down in the chair behind her desk.

“I realized he might be able to help me with my project,” I tell her as honestly as possible.

Julian was a tremendous help last night, asking me hard questions, forcing me to revise and refine my thesis until at last, my project came to life. When we went to bed, I was exhausted but confident, eager for my meeting.

Until Stephanie showed up unexpectedly at Julian’s apartment and then, shit got really awkward.

“Yes, perhaps you want him to help you in more than one way,” she sneers with one raised eyebrow.

I don’t take the bait. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m eager to discuss my project with you.”

She sits back in her chair, purses her lips, and narrows her eyes. “You’re either incredibly naïve or incredibly smart. I haven’t decided which.”

When I don’t engage her, she continues.

“You’ve got to be fucking Julian Armstrong. Did you ask him to write your thesis? Do all the work for you?”

I stand up, angry at her baseless accusations. “I’ve worked hard on this project! I researched my ass off this summer and spent hours in the libraries while I was at Cambridge.”

She smiles widely, as though she discovered a hidden treasure. “You studied at Cambridge this summer!”

“Yes, of course. You approved my study abroad request.”

“And you never ran into Dr. Armstrong during your trip?”

“N-no, I didn’t.” I trip over my words and glance away, hoping she doesn’t catch sight of my red cheeks.

Stephanie hums. “Leave your revised proposal on my desk. I’ll look over it and get back to you.”

I face her, my eyes wide. “You aren’t willing to talk it over and approve it now?”

“No, I’m not. Besides, I’d hate to further embarrass you when I run your thesis through the university’s plagiarism checker.”

Reluctantly, I reach into my backpack and pull out the folder with my work. I place it on her desk before leaving her office.

With my eyes on the ugly linoleum floor, I almost run right into Julian.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper as he pulls me down an empty hallway.

“How did it go?”

My shoulders slump as I sag against him. “I have no idea how she knows about us, but she does.”

Julian’s arms wrap tightly around me, holding me close, keeping me safe, comforting me. It’s exactly what I needed after my disastrous meeting.

“She’s far too blinded by her desire for me. She’s grasping at straws, hoping to come up with a winner.”

I look up into his gaze. “My entire future is in her hands.”

His large hands brush my hair away from my face.

“I will never let that happen to you, little one. Daddy will always protect you.” His voice is a sexy growl, sending a jolt of desire straight to my core.

Unfortunately for both of us, the alarm on Julian’s watch beeps, signaling the start of his office hours.

“Saved by the bell,” I breathe out.