Meghan twirls out of my grasp. “You’ve lost your mind, Julian! We almost got caught this morning. We need to be more careful. Are you sure she didn’t come here for any other reason? Did she hint that she knew I was here?”

Meghan’s chest rises and falls quickly. “Megs, take a deep breath. The only thing on that woman’s mind when she arrived was my cock.”

A small growl escapes her mouth, and I chuckle in response.

“Run along, little one, before she suspects something.”

“Julian, we need to be more careful. If you lose your position because of me, I’ll never forgive myself.”

Before I have the chance to kiss some sense back into Meghan, Stephanie comes barreling back into the kitchen.

“Come along. I squeezed some time in for you between now and another meeting with the head of the romance languages department at eleven. If we hurry, we can finish, and all of us can make it to campus in time for Dr. Armstrong’s office hours.”

Meghan’s face instantly transforms from sorrow to fake gratitude. “Thank you so much! Julian, can you please help me ensure all my notes are in order to present to Stephanie?”

“How dare you address Dr. Armstrong in such an informal manner? Show him the respect he deserves as an esteemed visiting faculty member from Cambridge!”

Meghan’s face instantly pinkens in embarrassment. “My apologies, Dr. Armstrong. It won’t happen again.”

Before I can utter a word in her defense, she scurries out of the room.

“Someone needs to teach that girl some manners. I understand I let her call me by my first name, but I’ve known her for the past four years. Being an advisor to a student adds a level of familiarity.”

“I encourage my students to use my first name when addressing me. I feel it fosters better communication.”

Stephanie looks at me with a condescending smile. “That’s just adorable. No wonder she has such a crush on you. I suggest you nip that in the bud, and soon, or you may have another problem on your hands.”

This entire time, my blood has been simmering, but now it boils with rage as I process Stephanie’s actions and words. First, she barges into my home, then she makes another sexual pass at me before insulting Meghan and insinuating I’d sleep with a student.

“How dare you speak to one of my students in that manner, especially in my home? If I ever hear you disrespect someone so rudely again, I’ll report you and your behavior to the Dean of Students. Furthermore, I have entertained your sexual advances as a colleague, but you’ve shown that not only do you have no self-respect, but you have no respect for others as well. Next time you so much as look in my direction inappropriately, I will file a sexual harassment suit against you and the entire university.”

Stephanie stares at me, speechless, for a few moments before nodding in the affirmative.

“If you will excuse me, I’m going to ensure Meghan has everything she needs for her presentation.” Without another word, I turn on my heel and head toward the living room where I’ll find my little one, the only person in this world who can calm the storm raging inside me.