Last night with Meghan was amazing. As promised, I kept my hands to myself. I prepared dinner for us both before running a bath where we soaked away the day. But I’m no saint, and I couldn’t let an opportunity with a wet, naked Meghan pass me by.

After much needed stress relief, we dove right into discussing Desdemona for Meghan’s capstone thesis. Around two in the morning, we stumbled down the hall to the bedroom and passed out.

The birds chirping outside the window are an annoying reminder we’re going to be late for class.

“We need to get moving, love, or we’ll be late.”

I stop short, catching my slip. I have loved Meghan from the moment she spilled hot tea in my lap, but we haven’t uttered those few words to each other yet.

“I want to sleep a little longer, Daddy.” Her whiny little voice comes from under my duvet.

I chuckle, throwing the duvet off us both and swinging my legs over the side of the bed before I stand. “Get up while I make tea. I didn’t set the alarm this morning to give us a few extra hours, so unfortunately, no playtime.”

There’s a knock on the front door, and I wonder who in bloody hell is here this early in the morning.

“You’d better be out of this bed by the time I get back up here, or I’ll be taking you over my knee.”

“Promises, promises.” Her voice follows me as I pull on a pair of sweatpants from the floor and head down the hall.

The mess we left in the living room—books, notes, and empty teacups—is all spread over the table in the center of the room. Ignoring it for a moment, I unlock and open the door to find Stephanie waiting with cherry-red lips and a Cheshire Cat smile.

“Good morning, Dr. Armstrong,” she greets me as she shoves her way into the flat, shoving her bag and coat into my arms.

“To what do I owe the pleasure so early in the morning?” My voice is tight as I try to hide my surprise and anger.

I glance quickly down the hall, hoping Meghan has enough sense to get dressed before coming out.

“You’ve been avoiding me.” She looks around in disgust, taking in the scattered remnants of our late-night study session. “Too much work makes for a grumpy man.”

Stephanie turns, giving me what I am sure is a playful smile. Instead, my anger increases.

“I’m a busy man.”

I drop her belongings on the empty chair without another thought and continue my journey toward the kitchen. I need something stronger than tea to deal with her bullshit so early in the morning.

“I take mine black.”

“I don’t remember offering you a cuppa, but sure. Why not?” My manners seem to have temporarily left me. “Why are you here, Stephanie?”

I pour both of us a cup of coffee and turn, waiting for a response.

“I like a man who gets right to the point. All right, you’ve been putting off our dinner plans. I came to collect this morning. Since I make your schedule, I know you don’t have class until this afternoon, and that you have a TA who would gladly take over office hours for you this morning.”

Bollocks. I forgot all about the dinner invitation I agreed to earlier in the week. Stephanie is technically my boss, and I thought it only proper to indulge her.

Stephanie wraps her arms around my neck as she slides close to me. “It’s time for you and I to get to know each other better, Dr. Armstrong.”

At that moment, a loud bang signals Meghan’s entry into the kitchen, and not wanting to make the same mistake twice, she ensures Stephanie is aware of her presence. “I’m so sorry, Dr. Armstrong! I didn’t mean to fall asleep here last night. Thank you so much for helping me work out the issue with my capstone project. I’m sure Stephanie will be delighted to hear all the new developments at our appointment this morning.”

Meghan has her claws out, ready to fight tooth and nail for her Daddy. There is no doubt in my mind that she heard most, if not all, of Stephanie’s plans for her and me this morning. By the look in her eyes, she doesn’t like it one bit.

“If you were more responsible with your time, you would have received my message cancelling our appointment this morning. I have plans with Dr. Armstrong to discuss his future employment at Danville University.” Stephanie unwraps her arms from around my neck and takes a step back.

I turn back toward the counter, unable to disguise the smirk on my face. “We can reschedule. Meghan worked very hard last night to prepare for your meeting this morning. I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of her graduating on time, especially since that’s the entire reason you forced me into having her as my teaching assistant.”

With a huff, Stephanie stomps out of the kitchen in search of her bag, giving me the perfect opportunity to seize Meghan around the waist and purr into her ear. “Little one seems to be jealous. You know Daddy only has eyes for you.”