“He didn’t do anything. One sloppy kiss and I was out of there.”

Julian pops up from the couch.

“He kissed you?” His roar fills the small room, and I shrink back against the couch. He looks down at me and his anger softens slightly. “Did you give him permission?”

“No,” I admit.

“Bloody hell, Megs. That’s fucking sexual assault.”

Hot tears sting my eyes. “It was stupid, I know. I’ve never willingly put myself in a situation like that before. But I wanted to forget everything that had happened earlier. I thought I lost you for good.”

Julian sits back down beside me, and I turn to face him. His handsomeness takes my breath away. How did I end up with someone like him? I’m just a nobody from Scottsdale, Arizona who somehow caught the eye of a handsome British professor.

He leans forward and brushes my hair back behind my shoulder.

“You haven’t lost me, little one,” he says with a purr before brushing his lips against mine. “I just needed to figure out a new way for us to exist together.”

“And have you?”

One corner of his mouth tips up. “Not quite, but nothing clears my head like a good punishment.”

He scoots away and sits up straight before patting his knee.

“You can’t be serious?” I ask incredulously.

Over the summer, we only engaged in a little light spanking. He never seriously punished me. Maybe because we were only a temporary thing. Or maybe because I was on my best behavior.

“I’m very serious, little one. You’ve been very naughty, and my palm is itching to turn your arse red.”