I ignore her request and walk on out to the lift, hoping aboard and taking it to the garage.
Myka is on my heels and keeps up with me stride-for-stride, even in those stilettos.
We stand on opposite sides of each other, not wanting to disturb the others, until we reach our destination and step out.
“Would you just wait and let’s talk about this?” she asks.
I hit the unlock on my car, turn, and face her.
“Myka, I don’t understand why you did that. It was me expressing my feelings for you, sharing a pivotal moment in my life with you, and you somehow fucked that up. That song was for us. And when did you even have time to record that?”
“When I was searching for my clothes, I saw you playing and grabbed the video.”
“And here I thought taking your phone so you could rest was a good thing. I should’ve just left it with you.”
“I didn’t mean to tarnish that moment for you. I just thought that maybe if you were to change a little on the sound, it could open up more avenues for the band.”
“Now I get it.”
“Get what?”
“Why a person like Cornelius could ever let you go. You care more about your job than you do the person you’re supposed to be with.”
Those words must stab her in the heart. Tears drop from the corners of her eyes, first slowly then fast.
Part of me wishes I could take them back, but I can’t. An apology wouldn’t begin to cover the fresh wound I gave her. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. My heart begins to ache, and I too fight back the sting of emotions threatening to erupt.
“So, what are you saying, that it’s over?” She asks through her sobs.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I am saying I can’t be with someone I can’t trust. Especially with my most intimate thoughts and feelings.”
“But Simon…” She appeals to my rejection of our relationship and it’s hurting me as well.
The thought of not seeing her, feeling her, touching, or even tasting her is wrenching my stomach into knots. But trust is trust, and right now, I can’t.
“I also don’t think we should continue our business relationship anymore.”
“So let me get this straight, you’re breaking up with me, and trying to fire me?”
“Not trying, I am firing you.”
“Well, you can have the one, but as far as firing me, I was hired by the label. You don’t have the authority to do that.”
She’s right. I just don’t want to have to work with her. “Fine. I’ll have a talk with Lenny and let them know to exclude me from any talks where you are involved.”
“Why? It’s business after all.”
“It was for me once, but not anymore.” I climb into my car and speed off, heading for my favorite dive bar.