Page 89 of Shadowed Loyalty

Opening her bag, she reached for a handkerchief to mop off her face. A piece of paper came out too, fluttering to the ground like a tiny pigeon’s wing. She bent over to retrieve it and unfolded it as she rose again.

Her fingers fisted around it. Roman’s address. She could go warn him. If he got out of town before Tony and Val could intercept him…but if that faceless voice in the drawing room was right, he might try to take her with him against her will.

She squeezed her eyes shut, not sure if she was thinking or praying or just begging for an answer to jump out and scream at her.


Sabina opened her eyes. It was Helen’s voice, not the Lord’s, but filled with strange intensity. “Go where?”

Helen shrugged. “I assumed you’d know. I just heard the word ‘go’ and knew it was for you.”

Heard it? Well, maybe the Lord answered a desperate cry with a word in the ear of a rival. Who was she to argue? She balled her fist a little tighter. “Okay. You stay here, wait for Enzo. Tell him everything you heard last night, and tell him that someone came to see Papa just a little bit ago. Papa authorized the kill, said it had better be done tonight. Lorenzo will probably know better than anyone where to find his brothers so he can stop them.”

Helen nodded but didn’t release her hand. “What about you?”

She swallowed. “I’m going to convince Roman to skip town before they can get to him.”

“Sabina…” Helen’s hesitation pinched her features. “Enzo’s not going to like that. Let me talk to Roman, you stay here and wait for him.”

She shook her head before Helen ever finished. “You’d never convince him. I’m the only one who can do that.”

Capitulation and determination battled in Helen’s eyes, joining together a moment before her eyelids closed. “All right. Go. I’ll stay here and pray that you’ll be safe—and that Enzo will understand.”

“Amen to that.” After crossing herself in punctuation, she reached to give Helen’s hand a squeeze and then spun around and headed back down the stairs.

She prayed with every step that she wasn’t going alone.