“Okay that’s much better. And again, I’m sorry if I came across harsh. But it really does a disservice to the industry, and you as a bartender to be pulling this kind of thing.”
“I hear ye. I hate working for these people with a passion. I’m only doing it while I’m at Uni. I couldn’t care less that they’re all famous. In fact, I don’t even know who any of them are. Well except the guy you were with. Obviously, everyone from Glasgow knows who Owen Buchanan is. And you were right. We’ve been told to do this. It’s been like that since I started working for them. First it was only if a punter asked for the spirits without naming the brand. Then they got cocky and decided to do it for everything. I hate it. This isn’t bartending. The company supplies bars like this for lots of different events in London. They’re just greedy bastards and pay us a pittance.”
“Please do yourself a favour and either get a new job or serve people what they ask for. If your management are asking you to do this, you can bet they’d no sooner throw you under the bus if push came to shove. You guys would all be blamed for doing this off your own back. I know how these things work. It happened to me. That’s why I own the bars now.”
“I apologise. Let’s start again. I’ll pour you what you asked for, but I don’t have any cucumber for the Hendricks, is a twist of orange or lime okay?”
“Orange would be great.”
I watch David make the drinks and I’m impressed when he spritzes the top of my glass with the oils from the orange zest. And I’m doubly impressed when he serves Buckie’s whisky with a small jug of water.
“Well, David I’m impressed. You’ve got a real knack for this. If you’re ever back in Glasgow and in need of work, look me up. You’d fit in very well with my staff.” I give him one of my business cards.
He takes the card and studies it. “Thanks very much, Zara. I’ll keep that in mind. And I think this might be one of my last shifts here. You’ve given me the kick up the arse to get out of this hellhole.”
“Glad to be of service,” I say nodding at him as I turn to see if I can find Buckie in the now very busy ballroom.
I catch sight of him not too far away and my stomach takes a nosedive as I see he’s alone with Annalise. She keeps touching him and laughing and I want to walk right over there and rip her hair out. Instead, I gather up our drinks, hanging the tiny jug of water on my pinkie, and head over to introduce myself to her.
“Hey,” I say happily announcing myself.
“Shh. Talking,” Annalise says to me, making a pinching movement with her hand and rolling her eyes at me.
Did she seriously tell me to shut up?I’m rather shocked by her rudeness and even more so by Buckie’s lack of defence of me.
“Hey,” he says with an apologetic look on his face as he takes his drink from me. “Annalise, this is my friend Zara.”
Your friend?I don’t know why he’s introducing me to her like that, but we are certainly more than friends now.
“Hmm,” she mutters, looking me right up and down. “Are you an actor?”
I know there are some horrid people in this world. But, even in my own job, I’ve never come across anyone who can sound that nasty saying a perfectly normal sentence. I know how to deal with people like her. Be so sweet she gets toothache.
“No, I’m a businesswoman actually. I thought you were absolutely wonderful in the movie Annalise. Your accent was spot on too. Congratulations.”
Buckie furrows his brow and Annalise’s eyes light up. Nailed it. Flattery always gets the better of narcissists like her.
“Yes, I was. And I’m really good at accents so it was very easy.”
I glance at Buckie and his face is almost puce trying to hold in his laughter. Her accent wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t anywhere near realistic.
“Well, I’m sure the awards will be rolling in for this film for you both. Buckie, I’m going to find Shelly, come and find me when you’re finished here.” I gesture flippantly between them as if I care not a jot that she’s famous.
“Umm, sure,” he says looking shocked.
I give him my best annoyed smile and go to find Shelly. I need someone to vent to.