I snort a little laugh and she whips her head round to me.
“What’s so funny?”
“Well, remember the filming that took place in the Highlands? You were up to your knees in muck, and you looked like you’d been dragged through a hedge backward. I don’t think it matters what the lighting is like here. Your fans will see you in a very different light when they see the film.”
She stops walking and stamps her foot like a petulant child. “That is not the point, and you know it. I can’t have people thinking I don’t care about my appearance. I have influence you know. Young women look up to me.”
I’m not going to win this argument, so I nod, and carry on walking.
“The lighting is exactly as you asked it to be,” says Steve throwing me a sly wink and a smile. He knows she’s full of shit already and he’s only just met her.
We follow Steve to the elevator, and he takes us to the first floor. One of the conference rooms has been set up for the interview. The interviewer is having his hair and makeup done. And there are a couple of other hair and makeup technicians there to do ours too.
And so it begins. Two weeks of being prodded and poked, dressed and preened. Answering questions and dodging bullets when they get too personal. It’s this part I hate the most. I love acting. Taking on a new persona is interesting, and I like to get into character and make the part my own. I hate all the promo and it’s not optional either. The production companies want to make as much money as possible from the film. And it’s part of our contracts to do these press junkets. I suppose two weeks isn’t a big ask to get paid millions for doing a job I love.
When we all look our best, we’re introduced to the interviewer. I’ve met Josh before on my last film’s promo I did, but Annalise hasn’t. He’s a bit younger than me and a good-looking guy, so it comes as no surprise that Annalise is already flirting with him.
“Josh.” I nod to him.
“Hi Owen. Nice to see you again,” he says shaking my hand. “And you must be Annalise. Very nice to meet you.” He holds his hand out to shake hers and she takes it cupping it with her other hand.
“Hmm nice to meet you too.”
I watch her bat her lashes at him, and I roll my eyes. I catch Shelly doing the same and then I see her PA Shaun drawing daggers at the poor guy. Seems as though Shaun holds a torch for Annalise, and it definitely isn’t mutual.
“Okay let’s take a seat folks. I know you both have a lot on right now, so we’ll get right down to it.” Josh motions to the two seats as he takes his.
Annalise is behind me, so I take the opportunity to mess with her and sit in the seat closest to the camera.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing Owen? You know that’s my seat.”
Josh frowns at her outburst and the cameraman sniggers from behind his camera. Shelly lets out a little giggle, and Shaun shakes his head and closes his eyes.
“Woah calm down Annie. It was only a joke.”
I get up and take my own seat. I couldn’t care less what seat I’m in. I want this to be over so that I can get away from here.
“I’m not in the mood for jokes and don’t call me Annie. It’s Annalise. Ugh you’re such a child.”
I look at Josh as I sit back and mouth a ‘sorry’ to him. He gives his head a little shake and smiles at me.
“Okay, are we good to go,” he asks the cameraman.
“Yup, I’ll count you in. Five, four, three,” he counts out loud and signals two and one.
“Owen, Annalise. Thank you for joining us today. How are you both?”
Annalise pipes up before I can even draw breath. “I’m doing wonderfully. I can’t wait to see the movie in theatres. I think the moviegoers will love it.” She bounces a little in her seat, talking as though butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. It’s like she has a split personality.
Josh looks at me to answer. “Yeah, I’m good. A little tired. I’ve been visiting friends and family since I’ve been back in the UK.”
“On that note,” says Josh smiling, and I know where this is going. “You certainly have been busy. I noticed there were a few newspapers reporting that you’d been moonlighting in a bar in Glasgow. How on earth did that come about?”
I hear Annalise sigh next to me. She’s pissed that she isn’t centre of attention. Unfortunately for her, I love the fact that it’s annoying her. While I wouldn’t normally want to keep a tabloid story going, it’ll serve as entertainment to me for the next five minutes.
“Hah well I was visiting my friend who owns the bar, and she was having a wee staffing problem. Being the gentleman I am, I stepped in and helped her out until she got cover. I used to be a bartender in Glasgow before I started acting so I knew what I was doing.”
“We have a short piece of footage here, is it okay if we show it?”