“You need to get home now. Honest to God what were you thinking going and meeting with her. All you’ve done is add fuel to this damn fire.”
I smile as I start my engine. “I have something to show you when I get back. I’ll be half an hour.”
“Hurry up. I don’t know if my bloody nerves can take much more of this,” she says before hanging up.
I’m going to bring down Annalise’s house of cards. And get my fucking woman and my life back.
* * *
Parking up my Jeep in my driveway, I make my way into the house. I find Shelly sitting on my sofa with papers all around her.
“Buckie, thank goodness you’re here. I’m honestly at my wits end with this.”
“Me too Shelly but I think I know how to fix this.”
“Good, because I swear you’ve added ten years to my life already. I can’t handle any more of this drama. You’ve always been the one that never caused me any problems”
“Everything that has happened since that bloody premiere has been Annalise’s doing.” I pull out my phone and find the voice recording.
“Everything? You mean she’s the one who’s been leaking stories to the gossip columns?”
“Yup. And you want to take bets on who made the false allegations about Zara?”
“But why? No offence Buckie, but what have you got to offer that she should take such drastic action? And against Zara too. That poor woman has been put through the ringer.”
I shake my head. “None taken. Honestly Shelly she’s got some serious mental problems. I actually think the lassie needs professional help. But she’s not my concern. My main concern is fixing what she’s done to Zara. She can’t get away with this. If she thinks she’s going to publicly humiliate me or ruin my life if I don’t do what she wants, she’s got another think coming.”
I hit play on the voice recording and watch Shelly’s expressions change with every word said. When it’s done, she looks at me open mouthed and not able to form words.
“I knew she would spill her guts as soon as I confronted her, and she thought she was setting me up. This photo was sent to Zara.” I show her the photo of us on the pier and she shakes her head.
“Yeah, I’ve seen it. It’s all over the internet by now. That’s how I knew you’d been to meet her.”
“I figured it would be out there by now.”
“They’re saying it was a reconciliation after you’d been caught cheating.”
I let out a hearty laugh. “It’s amazing what people will believe in the name of gossip. As much as I loved working on that film, I wish I’d never crossed paths with Annalise Shears. She really is the epitome of everything I hate about this business. Although I don’t think her childhood was all that great. I guess she’s been made this way by her overachieving parents. Doesn’t give her free reign to fuck with other people’s lives though. She’s old enough to know better. I’m putting an end to this at tomorrow night’s chat show appearance.”
“You be careful it doesn’t backfire on you Buckie. I mean it. If you get this wrong, things could end up worse for both you and Zara. As your PR rep I have an obligation to advise against this.”
“It’ll be fine. And even if Zara doesn’t take me back after this, at least I’ll know I did the best I could for her. If I can somehow fix this and know that she can go on to live a great life, I’ll be happy enough.”
Shelly purses her lips and nods her head. “I’m proud of you Buckie. I hope things do work out for you both, you make such a lovely couple.”
“I’m not going to hold out any hope Shelly. I think she’s seen a side to this business that scared her. I can’t ask her to put herself in that position again.”
I send a copy of the voice recording to Shelly and email a copy to myself, then I tell her my plan. The more we talk about it the more outlandish it sounds, and I hope and pray that it will work for Zara’s sake more than mine.