Page 57 of Game Changer

The photo shows them sitting on a sofa in front of the host and she has her left hand on his knee. It’s clear that she’s wearing a massive diamond engagement ring. Obviously, this has fuelled these wild assumptions. The section of the article that mentions the ring is vague. It only suggests that they may be engaged to each other. It’s all because of the rumours that have been circulating since they started doing all the press for the movie.

“This is not going to end well Blair. I’m not sure how much more of this shit I can take.”

“Listen. I’m here for you and I’m behind you every step of the way. I’m going to go and get tidied up and prepped for tonight, but you really should call Buckie. There must be something he can do to put an end to this.”

“Thanks sweetheart. It’s morning there now so I’m sure he’ll be up.”

“Let me know how you get on, okay.”

“I will.”

She heads out the door and I’m left in the silence of my empty office. The walls feel as though they’re caving in on me in here. This is all very unfair. I told Buckie I could handle anything the press could throw at me, but now I’m not so sure. And how selfish am I that I could handle it if it was only him that was being gossiped about? As soon as they come after me, I totally collapse.

I call Buckie and get his voicemail straight away. I don’t leave a message because I know he’ll get back to me as soon as he sees my missed call. I send him a text instead.

Hey Buckie. I really need to talk to you. Call me as soon as you can. Zx

Shutting down my computer and grabbing my bag, I make my way out of the back door and emerge into the back alleyway. The shadows cast by the buildings on both sides block out all the sunshine and it’s dingy and smelly as hell back here. But for some reason I don’t want to leave this dark little cocoon. I’m worried about what I’ll find out there or who might be waiting for me.

Stepping backwards I lean against the cool wall and breathe. I have to get a grip of myself otherwise I won’t be able to fight this shitstorm. I close my eyes and think of being happy with Buckie and hope against hope that this isn’t the beginning of the end for us.