I’m cold. So cold. My eyes are blurred, lips dry, and I’m lying on something soft.
I squeeze my eyes closed, then open them as I try to make sense of where I am or what happened. How long have I been here?
All I remember is being in the car with Greg and Franny. We were on our way back to the showground, to my apartment, to collect my clothes because of the article that was released. I was on the phone with Theo when our car was hit. I was disorientated as a man dragged me out and carried me to another vehicle where I blacked out. I heard their voices though. American. My eyes widen in realization.
Was I taken because of Melody?
Would she really go this far?
Did I underestimate her hatred of me?
I mean, I’m not naïve, I know she hates me. But is her hatred enough to go to these lengths? The answer to those questions is yes, it is, and she would. She’s proved that already with the things she’s done in the past. She killed my horse, for God’s sake.
Panic courses through me and I blink my eyes. I frantically search the room for any clues but come up empty. The room is empty of any furniture except for the mattress I’m on. I push up to a sitting position but my head swims with dizziness. As much as I want to lay back down and forget where I am or the fact I was taken, I can’t. I need to be strong. Find a way out of this.
But as I look around, I see no escape. There are no windows. Just one door that I assume leads in and out. Theonlyway out.
I startle when the door opens and shuffle back until my back is against the wall, trying to make myself look as small as I can. A tall, big, built man appears, and I whimper in fear.
“Ah, you’re awake.” He strides towards me with a glass of what looks like water. Squatting down he thrusts it towards me. I don’t want to drink anything he gives me, but I also don’t want to offend him, so I take the glass. Glancing at it, I briefly wonder if it’s laced with anything. I’m parched right now, my throat sore, and I could do with a drink. As if sensing my thoughts, the man speaks. “It’s just water. Don’t worry, it’s not you we want, Aria.” He runs a finger down my cheek, and I flinch away. “No wonder he’s so taken with you. You really are exquisite,” he murmurs, almost transfixed as he stares at me.
My eyes widen.
Why do they think I’m my sister and what do they want with her?
“My name’s Thalia,” I state confidently although I don’t feel it.
The man’s eyes narrow, his brows furrowing. “Thalia?”
I’m shocked to silence when he throws his head back and barks out a laugh. His eyes come back to me, and he shakes his head. “One fucking job. One job and those fuckers couldn’t get it right.” He eyes me. “Are you lying to me girl?”
I shake my head. “No. I’m Thalia.”
“Marcus,” he shouts, making me jump.
A moment later, a bulky but short man comes running in. He licks his lips as his eyes rake over me. I want to shrivel up, disappear from his horrible gaze.
“What’s up, Leo?” his voice is rough. Like he smokes forty cigarettes a day.
The man, who I now know is called Leo, pushes up and turns to the Marcus guy. “You got the wrong fucking girl. You fucking idiot. If he doesn’t show, this is all on you. Calvin will kill you for this.”
Marcus shifts on his feet. “How was I to know? They were in the car that the Aria chick usually travels in.”
Leo runs a hand through his hair and starts pacing. I’m beginning to think this has nothing to do with Melody. But why do they want my sister?
“Why do you want Aria?” I blurt.
Leo spins to face me. “None of your business. Now this is going to go very badly for you ifhedoesn’t show in the next twenty-four hours. Be a good little girl and keep quiet whilst I go and sort this asshole’s mess up.” With that, they both leave the room, slamming and locking the door behind them for good measure. A sob bursts from me of its own accord. Questions race in my mind. Why do they want my sister? Who ishe?
I drop the glass of water on the floor and lay back on the dirty mattress. Curling up into myself, I sob as my mind races. No wonder my father was insistent on us having security. If I make my way out of this, I will never fight him over having a guard again. I’ll welcome it. My mind drifts to Greg and Franny. Are they okay? Did they make it out of the wreck? I hope so. Next my family flashes in my head, they must be going out of their minds with worry for me. Then there is...