Page 68 of Unconditional



Theo and I have been taking things slow for a couple of weeks now and I love that he is allowing me to go at my pace. He has been the perfect boyfriend. Even my father is accepting Theo more and more with every day that passes. He has even met my grandparents, who both love him as much as I do. I’ve spent as much time with them both as I can because I know when I leave Italy, I won’t see them for a while.

There is a week of the tour left and I haven’t decided what I’m going to do going forward. Although I have loved training with Laney, I want to be with Theo and that means moving on from her.

I haven’t had the conversation with Theo yet, but I can tell it’s what he’s hoping for. He keeps dropping little hints that I ignore. I can tell me not giving anything away is frustrating him, but I find it amusing.

My brother lands in Italy today along with his girlfriend and Aria. My sister went back to New York for a couple weeks, her reason for doing so being school, but I don’t believe her. I don’t know what’s going on with her and Bishop, but I know that before she left Italy, she seemed happier. Both she and bishop did. I can only hope they are back on track.

I’m worried about Evan meeting Theo now that he’s more than my trainer. Not just because he’s protective of me but because he was suspicious that something was happening between us when he came to Wellington. I know Evan won’t take it easy on Theo, I just hope Theo takes it all in stride.

I let out a breath. “What’s wrong?” Franny asks as we sit in the clubhouse eating lunch. Greg sits at a separate table, scrolling through his cell. I don’t need him here, but he insists.

“Evan arrives in Italy today.” Francois cocks a brow, silently asking me to go on when I pause. Sighing, I continue, “I’m going to have my work cut out trying to get him to be civil with Theo. My parents haven’t told him that we’re dating, and I know he is going to be angry about it. He suspected something when I first started training with Theo. I denied it, of course, but he’s protective of me. Even more so than my dad.”

Francois flops back in his seat, a smile twitching his lips. “Baby girl, it will be fine. If your brother can’t accept it than that’s on him. Anyone can see how happy that fine man makes you and that should be what matters the most.”

I chew my lip in thought. My best friend’s right. If my father can accept Theo, then so can my brother. Reaching over, I pull Franny into my arms for a hug. “Thank you. I’m so glad you came into my life,” I whisper.

He squeezes me. “So am I. I love you, baby girl.” We break the embrace when a throat clears. Glancing up, we find Theo glaring between us.

“What’s all this?” he says coolly, but I hear the possession in his tone.

Franny and I look at each other before breaking out in a laugh. My friend holds his stomach as he chuckles at my man’s jealousy. This doesn’t help Theo’s mood. He moves to sit beside me, possessively pulling my seat closer to his and away from Francois.

Remembering we’re in public, I look up to find people’s eyes on us, curiosity on their faces.


I’m not ashamed of my relationship with Theo, but we haven’t gone public yet. I know how the showjumping world works and the gossip that will no doubt be spread due to our little display.

Sobering, I meet Theo’s gaze. “People are watching,” I murmur.

He shrugs. “Let them. I don’t care. It’s time everyone knows that you aremine, piccola.” He shoots my friend a look. I roll my eyes, about to tell him to stop with his shit when someone clapping their hands stops me. Our heads snap up to find Melody—pushing a stroller—and Dean slow clapping with a smirk.

A devious look crosses both their faces and I know what’s about to happen. Everything slows down. All gazes flit between our table and the two who have just arrived with rapt attention. Everyone’s waiting to hear what’s going to be said. But I know. Its written on Melody’s face. It couldn’t happen at a worse time; the place is packed with people eating lunch. Then as if things couldn’t get worse, Laney walks in, pausing when she spots the standoff. I’m not afraid of her knowing about my relationship. I’m pretty sure she already does, but I wanted to be respectful and tell her myself in private. I owe her that much after all she has done for me in the last year.

I watch Greg out of my peripheral. He pushes out of his chair and moves beside me. His stance is protective, and screams don’t fuck with me, but still, he can’t stop what is about to happen. I’m proved right when Mel’s mouth opens. I brace myself for what is about to be said.

“It’s about time you two went public with your relationship.” She smirks. “I mean it’s been a long time coming. You did start fucking Theo behind my back in Wellington. What sort of woman does that to another woman?” she asks it as a question even though she knows damn well she’s going to answer it. “A whore, that’s who.” Gasps sound and Mel opens her arms wide with a smirk curving her mouth. “You all think little Thalia Maxwell is a good, innocent little girl. But she stole him.” She points at Theo. “From me,” the venom in her voice is palpable. I squeeze my eyes shut but still feel eyes burning into me from all sides.

My eyes pop open when someone grabs my arm. In my shock I’m only vaguely aware that it’s Franny and that Greg has dropped down in front of me. A chair sliding across the floor has me looking to Theo. He’s out of his chair and across the room, looking ready to explode.

“Shut the fuck up. You are fucking delusional,” Theo barks.

Dean steps up to Theo, chest to chest, a smirk on his face. “Back up. Now,” he grits.

Theo pushes him away, his finger pointing towards Mel. “I told you what would happen if you didn’t leave us alone. You are fucking done,” he growls before spinning around and striding back towards me. I’m scooped up out of my chair and into Theo’s strong, comforting arms. Burying my face into his neck, I close my eyes, blocking out everyone. Out of all the ways I thought my relationship with Theo would come out, I never thought it would be from Melody’s mouth. I did do what she just announced to the crowd. But she has done far worse.

“It’s okay, piccola, I’ve got you,” Theo murmurs in my ear before kissing my forehead. I burrow deeper into him, breathing in his scent. He smells like mine. Like home.

“I knew you would cause nothing but trouble for her,” I hear Greg’s deep voice growl.

“Leave it, Greg.” Is that Laney?

“No. He’s already caused her enough pain to last a lifetime. I won’t watch it happen again. She deserves better,” he yells.